• Member Since 18th Jan, 2012
  • offline last seen Dec 19th, 2016


Just a fan of the show. Wouldn't call myself a brony, but I like it enough to write about it.


Edit to Morgoth · 11:13pm Sep 8th, 2013

Made a small edit to chapter one of MiE, fixed a little inconstancy that a reader pointed out in the conversation between Eru and Morgoth. Nothing big, just cut a few lines and added a few in place.

Edit: I'm also gonna spend a little while going back and cleaning up the earlier chapters before posting the next one. Changes will be small and probably negligible, like elimination of word repetition and such.

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Huh. · 11:47pm Apr 27th, 2013

So I guess I'm back to writing. Weird.

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Happy Anniversary To Me! · 1:18am Jan 19th, 2013

Today marks a full year since my descent into the world of spaghetti and shame that is fanfic writing. Looking back on this past year I can honestly say that these ponies have had a very significant impact on my life. I've grown as both a writer and a person, learned a few lessons worth writing to the princess about, and discovered my special talent.
Yes, it's writing you dolt.

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ATTENTION PLEASE · 5:09am Jan 12th, 2013

As you may very well know (though it's more likely you have no clue, as I only just realized this myself two days ago) in six days will be the one year anniversary of when I joined this site and set off down that glorious golden road which actually turned out to be yellow aluminum foil that is fanfic writing. Seriously, it crinkles like hell every single time a take a step, it's driving me crazy.

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And the Story Ends · 9:56pm Jan 2nd, 2013

For everyone who actually read Emperor's Child in Equestria, at the behest of all the people who kept asking me how it ended, I finally decided to write out a summary of the events leading up from where I left out at. Here you go.

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A Lullaby for the Darkness · 10:26pm Dec 31st, 2012

Sorry I've been late on the next chapter of Morgoth in Equestria, it'll still be a little while before it comes out, I've had a pretty busy few weeks. But to make up for it I'm working on a little something to go along with the story. I'm doing a rewrite of this song here. If you haven't listened to Ponyphonic I highly suggest doing so. His songs have actually been a huge inspiration for the stories I'm writing right now, I can easily say that I believe him to be the most talented song writer

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Happy Christmas! · 11:34pm Dec 25th, 2012

A happy Christmas to everyone! I haven't really got anything for you all except my sincerest well wishes. Keep being excellent!

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The End of an Era · 6:59am Dec 4th, 2012

I don't know how many of you actually know about it, but City of Heroes, the greatest Superhero based MMO ever created was shut down three days ago. One of the few surviving pre-World of Warcraft MMO's of actual quality, it had one of the greatest in-game communities I've ever seen, with everyone completely willing to lend somebody a hand. You could send out seven blind group invites and you could count on getting seven heroes all eager to fight crime by your side in a matter of minutes. It was

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Slowpoke.jpg · 4:29am Dec 1st, 2012

It's come to my attention that I have neglected to mention that I was goin to Ireland for a few weeks before returning to writing. I'll be back in the States in two days and I'll get back to work then. Probably should have mentioned this earlier.
Pic related. It's my first night back home.

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When Children Come Home · 4:40am Nov 20th, 2012

I'm back, Fimfiction. I'm back and I'm here to stay. I couldn't hack it over at AiE, so I'm back here and I'm going to finish every god damned story I've started on this site. I'm dropping Emperor's Child completely, I'm just not satisfied at all with it. It started becoming a chore to write and I just don't like where it was going, and i know many of you are of like mind. I strayed too far from what it was at the beginning and the story suffered for it and now it's needlessly complicated. I'm

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