• Member Since 18th Nov, 2012
  • offline last seen July 20th


Retired military, retired gunsmith, tired cynic.


And... D'oh! Foot meet mouth. · 2:22am Sep 9th, 2017

Just got the word that I'd failed moderation again. *sigh* This time for having a short description that was TOO short.

I was trying to make it mysterious, and I suppose I did it too well. The frustrating part is that I could easily make the short description longer, but that would reveal and ruin the last second surprise at the end of the first chapter.

I'm not certain what to do. Any advice out there? If need be, I can set the password on the story and let folks beta it.

Report EdBecerra · 430 views ·

Welp, Trying Again. · 3:41am Sep 8th, 2017

That story that was too short for Fimfiction?

Well, it mysteriously spawned two more chapters over on Spacebattles, and that put it at about 3,100 words. So I'm trying again and resubmitting it. Here's hoping it gets approved.

It's set, with permission, in RKStriker's Hasbroverse, and takes an uncomfortable look at what happens to some of the people (and ponies) usually hand-waved away as "unfortunate collateral damage."

I hope you like it.

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Limitations and frustrations. · 4:10am Dec 20th, 2015

Whelp, I managed to write a piece for RK_Striker's Hasbroverse. One that he likes. One that he's told me is now official cannon for the Hasbroverse.

Unfortunately, it's 24 words short of the thousand word limit FimFic imposes.


Their playground, their rules. I'll abide by them. But DAMN, it's frustrating. I can't add any more words to the story without ruining it - it's the brevity that makes it good reading. Like adding lines to a limerick: it don't work.

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OK, nobody tell Pinky... · 9:23am Jan 13th, 2014

...but some folks here on Earth invented a working party cannon of sorts.


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