• Member Since 4th Nov, 2012
  • offline last seen Jan 26th, 2022

Whirl Wind


Back to the Forest! · 11:49pm Feb 9th, 2013

Well, it is time for me to return home to the forest. I will continue to work on the fourth part of this epic story line that I have been weaving from my head like wild fire. Until I can come back into town to visit the library I will be in my home in the middle of the forest... without internet. >.< Again!

Report Whirl Wind · 190 views ·

Two New Stories! · 10:24pm Feb 9th, 2013

It took some time but I managed to get the stories onto the site. As I type this the second is awaiting approval but should be approved soon!

Report Whirl Wind · 154 views ·

Another New Update! · 5:24pm Feb 8th, 2013

I have gotten many chapters done as well as the new story. I just need to find time at my local library to upload it. :)

Report Whirl Wind · 199 views ·

New update! · 5:24pm Jan 28th, 2013

Sorry for being gone so long! Lost my internet at home and it has set me back on posting. But the writing is going really well! I am thinking of combining the next two stories into one and making it something really special. It is not done yet but I found a proof reader and it is being read as I type! I can't wait to get it done, not that a ton of people are waiting for it. Optimistic release of the entire story is February 28th.

Report Whirl Wind · 260 views ·

The next story. · 5:44pm Dec 10th, 2012

So, I have been working on the next story for Whirl Wind and Sonic Flare. It is definitely longer than the last story, so it is taking a bit longer to write. Right now, I am sick so that is affecting my writing time as well. So, here is an update, working on it. I will only put the whole story up at once, not chapter by chapter. ;) See you all when the story is finished.

Report Whirl Wind · 189 views ·