• Member Since 28th Dec, 2011
  • offline last seen 4 hours ago


Former research biologist who now spends his time dissecting electronics and rolling around in poison ivy.


I have found GOLD in New Jersey! · 3:00am Dec 10th, 2022

In west-central NJ, there is an ancient glacial moraine, so heavily weathered it wasn't even recognized until a relatively short time ago. There are mounds of material rich with pebbles rocks, and even some larger boulders up to 500lbs in places, some dragged all the way from Eastern Canada... some carrying with them bits of veins containing metals!

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Did... did this actually happen? · 9:19pm Dec 1st, 2022

You are not going to believe who the guys got to guest voice in this one...

Also, this is my level of sheer insanity. I CLAPPED WHEN I SAW IT!!!


Bronycon staff and sponsor shirts on Ebay! · 6:42pm Sep 4th, 2022

I'm selling a bunch of my rare Bronycon shirts as I'm going through my enormous Pony T-shirt collection. I have over 100 shirts, so it's time to trim the surplus!

But the staff ones include some very rare 2012-2014 shirts, where only enough were made for staff. These never numbered more than a few dozen TOTAL. So for the collector who wants the whole of Bronycon history, there is little else from these early conventions!

Staff shirts:
2012-2015 SOLD

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My cat Sarah playing with her mouse · 3:17pm Aug 21st, 2022

Sarah's our only cat currently. I saved her from certain death in 2012 when I found her as a tiny kitten on the side of a farm road while I was bicycling. She was severely injured. Something had bitten her and given her serious wounds and she'd somehow clung to life for days or maybe a week or two; and she was barely still alive, struggling to drag herself over to me and crying out with the last of her strength. She was nothing but skin and bones, and that night would have been the first

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Bronycon ended just in time! · 1:33pm Aug 2nd, 2022

Been looking into crime stats... Baltimore has gotten OUTRAGEOUSLY bad! People are getting blown away in the Inner Harbor area for nothing! Gangs feel so emboldened by the pathetic government there that LITERALLY people who just happen to walk too close to them are being shot.

What a disgrace. This is what BLM got that city. Burn, Loot, Murder... THAT is the reality.


Foil capacitors or relay switches? The easy way to tell! · 7:46pm Jul 2nd, 2022

A very handy vid pointing out the key differences in appearance between the components.


Relay switches are GREAT for processing with high silver or gold recovery, as well as a nice spool of copper in every one.


Dan Vs. is now on Tubi! · 1:27am Jun 30th, 2022

So.... like I said. It's there. https://tubitv.com/series/926/dan-vs?start=true

Ah, now there was a show we needed so much more of.


Documenting my electronics recycling · 12:24am Jun 29th, 2022

So I'm posting some vids of things I'm learning as I recycle old electronics, processing parts for precious metals and easily-recovered base metals.


I'll be doing a vid on identifying relay switch boxes vs plastic box aluminum foil caps tomorrow.


There are apparently no 'Ultra Instinct Tardigrade' pictures... · 12:18am Jun 12th, 2022

I was trying to find one for a joke post as to why tardigrades survived the asteroid that killed the dinosaurs... BUT I COULDN'T FIND ONE!!!

Man, the meme creators are getting LAZY!


Possible meteor storm Monday night... or nothing! · 11:39pm May 25th, 2022

A little comet that fell apart might have a debris field wide enough to give us a huge meteor storm on the night of May 30-31, or maybe just a shower, or nothing at all!

We'll find out soon enough.

In any case, clearly there will be some alien spores or something that will destroy us all! :twilightsmile: