• Member Since 22nd Dec, 2011
  • offline last seen Jan 19th, 2013



Problems · 8:44pm Mar 18th, 2012

OK so... My Laptop has been broken for far too long and Dell is really getting under my skin, so I'm calling them about a replacement. Also, I want to say sorry for taking so long for chapter 7 through 10 to come out [I got half way done with Chapter 7 before all these problems] so, I'm going to re-type it up on this desktop and put it out for you all as soon as I can.

Again, I'm sorry for the long wait.

Report DerpingtonMHooves · 368 views ·
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OK so... My Laptop has been broken for far too long and Dell is really getting under my skin, so I'm calling them about a replacement. Also, I want to say sorry for taking so long for chapter 7 through 10 to come out [I got half way done with Chapter 7 before all these problems] so, I'm going to re-type it up on this desktop and put it out for you all as soon as I can.

Again, I'm sorry for the long wait.

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