• Member Since 5th Sep, 2012
  • offline last seen Aug 20th, 2021


Story Approver and formerly sometimes writer. PM me if you have a Story-related question.


May not be writing at the moment, but... · 7:24am Jun 5th, 2017

I have been starting to pop up on Twitch from time to time. If you're ever interested in poking your head in, take a gander over here. I'm actually about to go live here in a few.

Going to try and sit down and write Wednesday, but finding that it just isn't all that much fun lately. Add in ~10 weeks left in my Bachelor's program, and so many other things to do that are fun, it's difficult to force myself to write.

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Saying Adios to a Friend · 1:28am Jan 28th, 2017

So, folks... I'm sure most, if not all of you, know Obselescence in some way or another. For quite some time, he's been a moderator here, and organizer of quite a few story competitions and unexpected fads. Go stop by and wish him well, if you'd like. He had a large impact on me over the years, it's sad to see him go.

Obselesence's Goodbye

Seriously. He's a legend. Gonna miss the guy.

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Status Update · 8:54am Jan 2nd, 2017

Next chapter is currently sitting at 2,500 words out of the 4,000 or so that I've set as a goal for chapter size. It's a bit hard going, I know what I want to write, but writing it is another story altogether. Once I have the rough draft finished, it's going to need a fair bit of work to get it up to a posting standard, but hopefully I'm thinking two to three days until it's ready for posting. Just came off a six day stretch of work, the next three are off. Should give me plenty of time

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Want some more Batpony/Thestral-centric content? Take a gander! · 3:27am Dec 27th, 2016

So, two of my long time friends on the site here (Talking shortly after creating accounts, both of whom have poked at my stuff on and off for some time now) have recently come together to work on something that is heavily centered around a created society of thestrals. They've told me it should be quite an interesting read, and I'm inclined to agree, having seen some of the content they're working with.

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Merry Christmas to all! · 5:44pm Dec 25th, 2016

Merry Christmas to all! Enjoy the day, wherever you may be, whomever you may be with. Go watch some Christmas movies, have some holiday cheer... I suggest watching Home Alone 2. Or Die Hard. Both are excellent ones to watch.

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Tomorrow (Update Incoming) · 2:23am Dec 23rd, 2016

Nearly done with the next chapter, in which we get our first insights into the twins who have been somewhat forgotten since the whole 'Zap into Equestria' bit. We also get some insight into the life of thestrals... and other ponies who followed Luna/Nightmare Moon so long ago. After all, it would be quite difficult for just thestrals alone to thrive in a society away from Equestria.

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Building a Society · 7:24pm Dec 16th, 2016

So, working on the next chapter of Worst Nightmare of My Life, and we finally will be looking at the twins, and their introduction (probably brief to start) into thestral society. I won't make any promises as for a date, however, even though I'm writing near daily now. Work is probably going to interfere for a few days, and then I need to wrap up school before going into a two week break from it.

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Wow, I finished something. Finally. · 9:55pm Dec 15th, 2016

Not that anyone really reads these things, but as you see by the tagged story... it's now complete. Finished. Done. Been getting the itch to write once more, and the urge to cut down on the amount of stories tagged as incomplete on my account. So, not going to make any promises, but potentially, you all, the readers, will come out ahead from this.

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Well That Went Well · 6:34am May 16th, 2016

I'd meant to save up a buffer, but... after over a year without an update, I got somewhat antsy. Seems the update went over well, and I've got some bits of Chapter 4 & 5 written up now. I'd started on Chapter 4, but decided that it was a little overdue to see how the twins are faring. I don't plan on giving them too much screen time before bringing them back together, but I need to establish them so it's not a massive info dump once they rejoin... whenever that may be.

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Progress Blog 8 May · 4:44am May 9th, 2016

Set a new goal for myself. 500 words minimum per day, every day. 3 days in a row with this progress so far, seems promising.

The Worst Nightmare of my Life has a chapter in edit, as previously stated. I'm also about 500 words into the next chapter now, bringing the total word count for this story [unreleased] up to ~3,600 words now. When I hit 15,000, I'll start releasing updates. Should be 4, 5 chapters in the backlog it's looking like once that time comes.

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