• Member Since 29th Jul, 2012
  • offline last seen Apr 10th, 2015

Mayhem Darkshadow

Edgar Deutschland!!!


The Last Blog Post · 8:51pm Mar 2nd, 2015

Well...can't say it wasn't coming.

After a lot of me trying to figure out what I am going to do I have finally found the answer, even if it sucks. Today is going to be my last day on FimFiction. I just no longer have interests in MLP and its fanfiction, writing it and reading it. This isn't what I wanted it to be, but it is what it is. That being said there is a lot I want to say.

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Le Update · 5:27am Dec 31st, 2014

Hope everyone had a wonderful Holiday. I have made a tad bit of progress on the new chapter. It's mostly been thinking but I did get a tiny bit of writing done. My family has been running me ragged, though, and I haven't really had a lot of time to sit down. Actually I'd probably have more if I could stop playing Destiny for more than a hour or two, but hey priorities are me killing baddies and saving the universe from the Darkness, definitely not ponies :trollestia:. Hopefully I can get

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Merry Christmas · 5:01am Dec 26th, 2014

Another Christmas has come and gone. I certainly hope everyone who celebrated had a wonderful day. For those that don't I certainly hoping you are having a happy holiday as well. I had an excellent myself. Me and the fam had a nice breakfast, opened some gifts, learned I am the World's Okayest Brother (according to one of the gifts my sister got me), had an excellent dinner of authentic Mexican, and finished the night by watching Frozen and Skyfall.

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An Early Christmas Present from Me · 8:24pm Dec 20th, 2014

I sort of oopsed yesterday and forgot to actually tag the story, so I decided to just do another blog. Progress has been made and the creative juices are flowing once again. Maybe over break I might finish it. Consider this a gift from me to y'all. Anyway I got a plane to catch.

Happy Holidays,


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Now Don't Freak Out...or Maybe Do · 11:10pm Dec 19th, 2014

I think the chapter name is appropriate :trollestia:

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New Banner · 5:43am Dec 10th, 2014

I got bored while I was studying

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Some things we need to talk about · 9:06pm Nov 19th, 2014

Hey guys,

Been awhile since I've done a blog, mostly because I've not had time. Semester is wrapping up an what not but I've been up to my ears in projects, exams, and studying. Since I have a little time right know I just want to mention a few things.

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Guardian Angel is Cancelled · 2:51am Sep 18th, 2014

It pains me to do this guys, but I'm cancelling Guardian Angel. I just don't have time anymore to write like I use to. I've been dreading this decision for months, hoping that eventually things would clear up. But with two jobs and full time school I just don't have a lot of free time on my hands. I also just don't have the motivation anymore to write. I can't string good ideas together like I use to be able to do before this hiatus hit like a ton of a bricks. I know a lot of you are going to

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Applications Are Finally Done · 9:21pm Sep 3rd, 2014

Yes kiddies the day has finally arrived. I turned in all of my pharmacy school applications yesterday and can breathe the biggest sigh of relief. That means it's finally time to end Guardian Angel's hiatus. Granted I'm still busy, but there is just that little bit of wiggle room that's now available for me to work with. I plan to get to work this weekend, though it's gonna be busy one full of studying, working on a research paper, and a date among other things. Progress will be slow but I

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Important Please Read · 2:40am Sep 2nd, 2014

Okay everyone I just need to take a quick second to point something out. I received something today that I had been hoping wouldn't happened again. So as many of you may know, and those who don't know now, I am one of the main Admins over at Twilight's Library. If you haven't heard of that you've been living under a rock. Anyway so that group has a stringent set of rules and follows a "you submit, admins approve" mantra. When I don't write I spend time working over there. Now one of things

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