• Member Since 28th Feb, 2022
  • offline last seen April 22nd


Just a Transwoman fanfic writer with weird kinks and a NSFW mind at times


Fimfiction's AI Fanfic Policy · 3:17pm March 22nd

Fimfiction is best known for hardworking authors like yourself and me to come together and show off our creativity and our writing prowess to create fanfics for the fandom we all serve! But the site is full of "human" fanfic writers and made for "human" fanfic writers/authors.

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Twilight's Unusual Night Out is finally completed · 9:57pm March 4th

The breast expansion fanfic "Twilight's Unusual Night Out" Is finally Completed!!

After so long of it being on hiatus,
It's finally completed!

Please check it out and give feedback if needed!

Thxs for reading my fanfictions and I hope to do more for y'all!

Report MysticSkies115 · 66 views ·

Commission Sheet · 7:13pm February 21st

Artwork Commissions

Traditional Art-

FullBody(Colored Sketch):$15
Half Body:$12
Add Ons:$3
Additional Characters:$30
Fanfiction Commissions

Sfw fanfictions:$5
NSFW Fanfictions:$10
Other Category Fanfictions:$15
*Note: Other Category is adult fetish content and will be made for adults only!*

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Report MysticSkies115 · 48 views ·

Commissions Are Open! · 5:43pm February 21st

Heya pones!

Thanks for another year of awesome ponies,fanfics and more!

I would like to remind everypony that my commissions are still opened and I'm now accepting commissions thru PayPal again!

If you would like to show support to my work you can message me and I will respond as soon as I can!

I have artwork commissions opened as well!
(please refer to the last commissions open blog for prices)

The payment Methods I accept as of wed, February 21, 2024 are the following:

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Official Discord Server is now opened! · 5:41am January 26th

Hey pones!

I have officially opened up my youtube channel discord server and its a fun place to go and share,talk,and hangout with members of all fandoms big and small!

Please join our discord server using the link provided below!

Hope to see you there!

Discord server invite link:Mystic's Official Server

Report MysticSkies115 · 69 views ·

Commissions Opened! · 3:35am January 10th

Hi guys,
Mystic Skies here!

My commissions for fanfics and artwork is still opened and i am holding a bundle sale!

The bundle itself contains the following for one low commission price of $50 usd!

Bundle Contents:
1.) Traditional Art Sketch of your oc
2.) Colored art of your oc
3.) Full body of your oc
4.) 5 icons of your oc
5.) Fanfic of your oc or cannon character!

Regular Commissions:

Full body(colored):$15
Banners: $25
Fanfics: $15

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Emergency Commissions needed! · 7:45pm Dec 8th, 2023

Hiya Guys!

I wouldn't be posting this if it wasn't dire but it is dire!

I have until the second of next month to earn $300 usd to pay for my cell phone bill and my Internet bill due to me and my family moving to a new location from our current residence!

So please commission me for any artwork or any fanfic you have an idea for and I will do my best to do it!

I'm opening a package deal for those who wants to inquire me about it!

Gonna sell some adopts too!

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Report MysticSkies115 · 51 views ·

Fanfic Commissions Are Open! · 4:46am Nov 2nd, 2023

It's that time again for some fanfic commissions!!

Please do note that my fanfics can be nsfw at times and I write different fanfics that you seek on my page!

If you would like a fanfic written by me,
Please pm me on Twitter,dm me on discord,or message me here for inquires for my fanfic prices and content!

I have 5 slots available for this time only!

So reserve your space today!


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Report MysticSkies115 · 116 views ·

Commissions Are Opened!(Emergency Comms) · 7:34pm Sep 24th, 2023

This is really bad....

I'm taking commissions for both Art and fanfic Commissions and this time it's dire!

I'm talking about,
Internet being cut off,
Phones being cut off,
Bills due,
The works!

I wouldn't be posting this if I wasn't serious but this is an emergency!

Please message me or pm me on Twitter if you would like to commission me for any artwork or fanfic to help me and my family out with food and bills.

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Report MysticSkies115 · 78 views ·

Art and Fanfic Commissions are back open! · 2:31pm Aug 19th, 2023

Hi Everypony!
It's your favorite blue mare here with an exciting announcement!

My art and my fanfic commissions are back open and I will be doing my best to get your artwork done and fanfics done accordingly.

That said,
Here is my price list for my commissions for everything I'm doing now including models from vroid mobile for everypony to enjoy an avatar or vtuber 3d model.

~Commission Prices~

1.)Artwork (Traditional):
Full body:$10
Profile Picture:$12

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Report MysticSkies115 · 69 views ·