• Member Since 2nd Dec, 2011
  • offline last seen July 9th



July check in · 3:21am July 2nd

Gotten a decent amount of the next chapter done. Will hopefully be posting in the coming months. No hard timeline though. Keep safe out there.

Report JarOfHearts · 138 views ·

June Check in · 6:10am June 2nd

Not dead, getting writing done. Not a lot. But it's longer now, which is good. See yall next month

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May Check in · 10:12pm May 1st

Still kicking, writing is going. Slowly. but I'm still writing, hope you all have had a good time. Talk to you in a month.

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April Check in · 7:58pm April 1st

Next chapter is crawling along. Not fast but it's growing every couple of days or so. Also not dead and no I am not doing the April 1 prank stuff. It's annoying to deal with when trying to communicate clearly.

This months recommended reading Demon world boba tea shop
Cosy story about a dude who transmigrated to a new place, a nicer place. Very relaxing low stakes read.

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March check in · 5:34am March 3rd

Still not dead, and some progress has been made on the next chapter. Not a lot, but some. How long it takes for some to become a completed chapter is anyone's guess at this point.
recommended reading to tide over in the interim, not sure If I already recommended it but Sublight Drive is a real gem if you're a Star Wars fan. I'll let it speak for itself.

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Feb check in · 8:27pm February 3rd

I caught the flu. so not dead, just felt like it for a while. I'm going to be making a concentrated effort this month to start putting my ducks in a row to get this going again. See y'all in a month.

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January check in +scheduleing · 6:03am January 2nd

Not dead, and currently plotting. I'm going to go back and reread my story and get familiar with it again. My other projects will be taking up most of my time for the next month or two, so I will try to start writing for this again sometime around March. How long from then till new content? I am not sure myself, but it will be on the way.

Report JarOfHearts · 192 views ·

December Check in + status update · 2:24am Dec 2nd, 2023

Still not dead, but you know that so let's peak behind the curtain a bit. A lot has been on my plate and I've been trying to hang on. Naturally, I've had to put real life before anything else and I've been focusing on other projects. As such I've not been working on Over the Edge, however, I'm likely going to be able to pick up the story again next year after I get a few things in order. Happy holidays everybody, and have a great new year!

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November Check in · 5:53pm Nov 1st, 2023

Everybody have a good halloween? Still not dead. A quick reminder that the December check-in is going to be a bit more long-form and I'll talk a bit about story progress.

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October Check in · 4:50pm Oct 2nd, 2023

Spoopy season is here, and I have yet to be murdered. I'll have a larger update on the goings-on in two months and possibly might be in a position to start working on this again. Probably will have to go back through and do some editing, and refamiliarize myself with the story. Since it is the season for horror movies and slasher flicks I thought I'd bring something unusual to the table for one of my recommended readings.

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