• Member Since 8th Jul, 2012
  • offline last seen Last Thursday


Sipping iced coffee, penning pony tales, and spreading love—embracing the sweetness of existence, one adventure at a time! (CLOSED) Kofi! Commissions!


A Poetic Decision · 9:22pm Sep 16th, 2014

As you all know I'm a freshman in college. Yesterday, we had a poetry slam and a few of my friends (one who has an album of his own) spoke and Levi the Poet and Chris Bernstorf. I'm a biology (pre-pharmacy) major and yet... I feel like I want to do spoken word as my career. That is a HUGE change. I was already considering a English minor but now I don't know what to think. I feel like being a porffesional poet is what I'm called to do but I'm so hesitant because of the stability of today's

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College Life · 3:43pm Aug 31st, 2014

Hey, everyone! Just to give you an update on how I'm doing in college. Everyone that I've met is super nice and there's so many fun things to do on the weekends. There's this stupid competition between the city and country boys, though. It's starting to get annoying. Archery is getting off to a slow start but that's okay because technically it's a spring sport. I've been making pretty good grades overall, the work load isn't hard it's just a lot of studying to do, you know? I want to get back

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College Bound · 6:37pm Aug 5th, 2014

I leave for college this Thursday and I'm super duper nervacited! I'm so nervous about meeting so many new people and living somewhere I know almost nothing about but I'm so excited about new things and freedom and school and just funness! I'm kind of shy when I meet new people though so I hope I can get over that soon so I can make lots of friends. I'm not worried about school at all, though. I actually enjoy it haha! (in two weeks I'll be complaining about how swamped I am but whatever)

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Does anyone else have a problem with "Fifty Shades of Grey"? (possible spoilers) · 9:15pm Jul 25th, 2014

Maybe it's just me but I do. I really do. I'm not against BDSM but what I read and when I saw the trailer... That was, to say the least, different.

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Well, this has been an interesting week. · 1:26pm Jul 14th, 2014

I'm almost finished watching Vampire Knight Guilty (spoiler alert)
And it's basically about incest and I was shooting for the couple so I was like ---> O_O

I've been at camp all week and I found out something. My boyfriend looks older than he is (about +23) and I look younger than I am (15-16 tops).
So people at camp thought:
1. He was my older brother
2. Two people thought he was my Dad

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Theme Songs · 1:49am Jun 22nd, 2014

I'm bored and have writers block. Solution? Music.
I'm going to try and match music with characters. Oh, what am I getting myself into?
Remember this is my opinion so if you think a song fits better then post it!


Rainbow Dash:



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Question for my clop readers. · 1:41pm Jun 13th, 2014

I'm writing a story between Chrysalis and Luna as humans.

The problems are:
1) I've never written a human fan fiction story before.
2) I'm 1.5k words in and haven't gotten to the clop scene yet
3) I'm really bad at rushing things so I don't want to rush the story

Do you think I'm taking to long to get to the romantic part? Any advice?


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I updated a story and published 2. IN ONE DAY. · 8:37pm Jun 2nd, 2014

I have writing fever! I updated Breaker earlier today and you'll be seeing two new stories called: With All My Heart and A Fan-Tastic Contest out tonight!

With All My Heart

Octavia has sat next to Vinyl's hospital bedside for months but today is different. Today Octavia chooses to make the ultimate sacrifice.

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In the mind of a writer · 3:52pm Jun 2nd, 2014

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Things I want but can't afford. · 8:01pm May 25th, 2014

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