Hello Again · 1:22am Feb 18th, 2013
I haven't been here in a very long time. I hope to make some updates soon.
I'm a 16 year old girl who has been watching MLP: FiM since a month ago. I Love Fluttershy. My Intrest are in Anime, Manga, and Books.
I haven't been here in a very long time. I hope to make some updates soon.
ITS SUMMER!!!!! You know what that means~ wait you dont? IT MEANS MORE UPDATES OF MY FANFICTION!!!!
SO be ready~!
PS look out for Nova's askblog: asknovaclass.tumblr.com
As you ponies may have figured out, I'm not the fastest writer. For that I apologize but you must wait a little longer for these then the normally updated ones. I'm finishing off Lunar Republic right now and then I'll get started on Nova Class. I hope you guys understand. Again Sorry.
Love FlutterYuu
Its about the only reason I can't update my stories. Though my family has most of the boxes unpacked we have not gotten the internet yet. So yes this is an appology to all the readers who wete looking foward to reading my fanfictions. It has been bugging me too. I have so many ideas for my fanfictions but I can write them because there is no internet at my house. Again sorry.
Love FlutterYuu
Hey, I just wanted you awesome people to know of this thing I'm beginning to do. Actually I thought I never would have made a fanfiction for My Little Pony EVER!!! But now I just Had this wonderful Idea, I just have to do it.
SO what is this new awesome idea, well to put it shortly it has your favorite background characters as its stars. Let me introduce them in style....
Preview of Chapter One