• Member Since 19th Nov, 2011
  • offline last seen Nov 10th, 2014


I'm a 16 year old girl who has been watching MLP: FiM since a month ago. I Love Fluttershy. My Intrest are in Anime, Manga, and Books.

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Nova Class is my MLP:FiM OC pony. This will have some rocking adventures and will most likely never finish! Nova comes from her adventures in Manehatten to live in Ponyville with a friend. There she discovers more adventures as she leads us to great places and exotic lands. Follow her as she lives her life to the fullest!!!

Nova Class was first a fan crossover with MLP:FiM & MSMM (Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica). She was suppose to be the pony ver. of Mami Tomoe but has become her own pony with her own story and I will like to tell it to you awesome people.

I hope you enjoy!!!

Chapters (2)

Luna is planing to maker her own Elements of Harmony but she needs the help of the most loved and hated background characters you may have heard of. The princess of the night has lost her powers, with Nightmare Moon sealed within her she has a second chance at life and she isn't wasting this one. In secret she has been searching for ponies who have the elements within them. If Celestia could do it why can't she?

You will find your most favorite of characters in here, but not so much as the Mane 6 but what I would like to call the Fane 6! (My First Fanfic YAY)

Chapters (3)