• Member Since 19th Jan, 2020
  • offline last seen 1 hour ago


Be sure to read my MLP, Danganronpa and Miraculous books


A funny realization · 1:15pm July 14th

Is it just me or was Pinkie in an alternate universe the Queen of Hearts?

I mean, Britney looks a lot like Pinkie Pie as her younger self, here, see this:

To make matters worse this song Britney sang seems like something Pinkie would sing


Miraculous Ponies Announcement · 9:36am July 13th

Hey guys, I would just like to say that Miraculous Ponies is not cancelled it's just on 'Hiatus'


I'm glad you asked, I know most of you love Miraculous Ponies too, I love that series too but it'll be on hiatus until I finish each story

'How will I do it?' you may ask

Well, I've thought about it a bit more and I decided to do a few things in order like Dewdrops on the Grass did

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Episode 3 Trailer · 9:53am July 11th

Our trailer begins with many contestants talking with some even arguing

[Coming Soon on Wattpad, Archive of our Own and Fimfiction]

The next scene showed Maki, Kazuichi, Gundham and Kaito surrounded by some cockatrices who seemed to come closer before the scene showed an hydra running after Sayaka while Hajime, Ryoma and Chiaki looked on

[A series of a lifetime, made by one person]

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An apology from me for all my mistakes in my MLP X Danganronpa server · 9:32am July 3rd

Hey guys, it is I, Silver Swirl and I would just like to say I'm sorry for what happened during the server if you were there

Everything that happened there got out of control

Not even I nor the mods could've fixed it (Especially the Toby Fox incident which yes is now a name)

Turns out, there was a hacker (Kinda) and scammer in the server, I did not know how to fix it, I tried to resolve the situation however I could but didn't manage to fully fix it

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My Little Pony x Danganronpa Fangame ad · 2:22pm June 30th

Part 1: The Basics
Fangan Type:
Canon Character

Video Game

Programs you’ll be using:
Any Art system
Anything for tweening

Part 2: Structure:
Concept Ideas:
(I dunno how to explain it)

Number of participants:

Number of chapters:

Good VS Evil

I have a doc for the full script but I am not gonna show it because spoilers


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A question for my Cartoons in Danganronpa series · 11:55am June 23rd

Hi everyone, I have a question for a different fanfic, I'm working on an Cartoons in Danganronpa fan-fan-fangan but I need some artist for CG's and such (Which need to fit each character's respective shows which for those confused I'll send you a few examples) so if you're interested and don't mind death, murder and blood (Which is orange in order to be canon to the CiDR universe) (Spoilered for those triggered you may show me the art you made of MLP characters or any OCs of

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Bad News (+kinda good news) for Twilight Sparkle Ace Attorney · 11:06am June 22nd

Hey guys, I have thought about who would fit Edgeworth for a few days but I hadn't come up with anything but there were a few good suggestions

Moondancer (Because she's practically the same and the opposite of Twilight but I'm planning on using her for Furio Tigre)

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Ace Attorney News · 3:00pm June 18th

Hi guys and welcome to a new post, it'll be short but important, it has just come to most everyone that's watched the Nintendo direct that a new Ace Attorney game is coming out, it'll be a revamp of Ace Attorney: Investigations along with the accurate second game since the fan dub was used so since that has been revealed to come on September 6th there will be a chance that if I were to do the second Investigations story it'll be on hiatus since I'll have to check the videos on Youtube (Just

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Trivia and Errors of The Show Stoppers · 6:10pm June 15th

Hello and welcome to another trivia and errors so basically I might or might not have forgotten to do this so let's get this out of the way now

Starting with the trivias

Trivia 1: Daniel Ingram, the show's music composer, describes the 'Cutie Mark Crusaders Song' on his website as 'cheesy '80s with 3 out of tune soloists,' The song itself has very similar melodies to the 80's hits '(I Just) Died in Your Arms', 'Holding Out For A Hero', 'Don't Stop Believin'' and 'Alone'

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Miraculous announcement · 5:57pm June 15th

Hey guys, I just noticed that Miraculous is gonna get a new art style

Do you remember this art style?:

Well now it's gonna look a little more 3D, here's an example which I'd like to that 'IAmZamber' of:

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