• Member Since 21st Nov, 2019
  • offline last seen 56 minutes ago


I am a longtime fan of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic who loves Pinkie Pie, drawing, typing stories and having a good laugh.


Near Christmas Update · 8:01pm Dec 12th, 2020

I just thought i'd give you guys an update, as we close in on Christmas.

First of all, i've written down my Christmas wishlist, and my folks and I are close to done with the Christmas shopping we're able to do, considering the current conditions of the outside world.

I've recently had some stomach problems that i've needed to get over. They seem to be mild, though.

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Quite a while · 8:32pm Oct 3rd, 2020

Boy, it's actually been 3 months since I posted the third chapter of The Brilliance of a Restful Mind. Sorry about that, everyone. As an aspiring storyteller who wants to do a bunch of things, I unavoidably end up in that kind of spot where one is unsure if they want to get the continuation of their stories figured out, or go do something like drawing, or typing out some other idea, or maybe even find a game to play. Also, with some recent developments in my life, i've found myself in a very

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Break Time · 2:33am Jul 1st, 2020

I have just finished the latest chapter of The Brilliance of a Restful Mind, after so many months of planning it out and taking so many days to type it. I hope you enjoy it, and look forward to Chapter 4 coming someday.

I've decided that after getting Chapter 3 done, and seeing how long it turned out, I am going try taking a bit of an online break to do some more drawing. Catch you folks later.


Future Chapters · 9:37pm Apr 13th, 2020

Hey guys, I just want to drop this post here to say stuff.

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