• Member Since 26th May, 2012
  • offline last seen May 22nd, 2022


I try to tell the stories others tell better than me.


Winds of Change - Work Continues · 9:54pm Jun 16th, 2016

I've wrapped up one story (Princess Corundum) which means work finally restarted on the original story which was supposed to be my primary focus (The Winds of Change). Looking back, I realize that somewhere along the line, I should have seriously considered just how much time I could dedicate to this most enjoyable of hobbies. However, I've come to the conclusion that I still enjoy the time I put in, so there are no plans of abandonment. In fact, work continues, Chapter 17 will be released

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Report CalmNQuiet · 673 views ·

C.M. Noire - Blur Out · 6:14pm Oct 13th, 2015

C.M. Noire - Blur Out

The world is filled with truth to be denied.


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I really want to... · 6:58pm Oct 10th, 2015

But... I should finish my other ongoing projects.

Report CalmNQuiet · 377 views ·

A Princess' Conundrum - Chapter 6 · 4:42am Jan 15th, 2015

I'm still alive. Life is busy, but sometimes I have time to write pony. Chapter 6 is drafted. Will begin editing soon.

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Winds of Change - Chapter 11 · 4:37am Apr 10th, 2013

I've sent Chapter 11 of Winds of Change to my editor for edits. As soon as they come back I will make any necessary corrections and post up the next chapter. Depending on how long edits take, it may not go up tomorrow and may end up taking a couple extra days. I never rush my editor because the work he does is so essential!

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Report CalmNQuiet · 536 views ·

Chapter 10 Update, Additional Projects · 1:20am Mar 20th, 2013

I checked my user page today and discovered there are over 200 people watching me. I am absolutely shocked and honored. So, I would like to provide some regular status updates on the progress of my writing. I'll try to keep these short.

The Winds of Change:
Chapter 10 - Drafted & Currently with Editor
It will be published on time, barring complications, after the 2nd pass edits.
Chapter 11 - In Progress: Writing

A Princess’ Conundrum:

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Balancing Act or Fun with Writing · 12:13am Mar 12th, 2013

I imagine many of you have noticed I just released the first chapter for another multi-part story focusing on Alicorn Twilight (Princess Sparkle of Bookforts) and Rainbow Dash. This means, I now have two on-going projects at the same time! Madness, I know. Luckily, it's not nearly as crazy as it sounds. My primary project is still The Winds of Change. However, sometimes I don't have the energy to write the slightly grim world

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Report CalmNQuiet · 385 views ·

The Winds of Change - Chapter 9 Progress Update · 4:32am Feb 27th, 2013

I'd like to drop a quick "The Winds of Change" progress update on Chapter 9. It's currently at around 4.6K words and climbing. As much as I would like to publish it tomorrow, I have a little bit more work to do on it. This was compounded by two things:

1. I released Chapter 8, 1 week ahead of schedule, which impacted how much time I've had to work on Chapter 9.
2. I had to re-write chapter 9 about halfway in because the mood was completely contrary to what I wanted.

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Report CalmNQuiet · 435 views ·

Winds of Change Project · 10:20pm Oct 10th, 2012

I'd like to start by thanking everyone for their support and encouragement on Winds of Change. Due to all of your combined efforts I have added an additional chapter and will be adding additional chapters to Winds of Change. My hope is to properly expand the world and build upon Twilight and Rainbow's relationship.

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Report CalmNQuiet · 414 views ·

My Current Projects · 6:30pm Sep 20th, 2012

First off, I’d like to thank everyone for their support. I took up writing a few weeks ago and the support is overwhelmingly positive. I haven’t had a single hateful comment and all criticism has been delightfully constructive. So thank you all, especially those of you who take the time to upvote, track, watch, or comment on my work.

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Report CalmNQuiet · 360 views ·