• Member Since 4th Mar, 2019
  • offline last seen July 18th



This fandom is slowly diening · 5:17am Jul 17th, 2021

Well the whole PC drama is got me thinking about the state of everything why is it people bully and harass other's you know who I'm talking about the moralist ass hat's that can't learn one thing life's biggest lesion their is no black and white their is gray too so learn to be more talent of others I shouldn't have to say this let it be let it be yeah I just made a Beatles reference


Why can't life be more fair · 12:12am Jul 9th, 2021

It's 5 pm right now at the time of writing this and I can't shake the feeling I will never win at life I'll be stuck love/sexless/moneyless till the day of my death my soul deep down feels broken aimless like I'm waiting for death sweet embrace to take me away from this plane no this isn't a suicide note it's a person trying to find the age old answer the biggest question why can't life be fair why can't we have what we want in life something as simple as someone who loves you for you and you

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Report Catmouse229 · 323 views · #why

State of the fandom · 9:25am Jul 7th, 2021

their is a bad bullying problem in this fandom earlier this week pc was bullied to the point she left the site she was receiving death threats and being told to kill herself that wasn't right I posted my story am I bisexual? I was told how bad my writing was not one dam person other than 2 commenters gave constructive criticism instead the mob tore my story apart and my self worth got my story revoked and I almost killed myself because of it people are not nice if it wasn't for some of the good

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Report Catmouse229 · 339 views · #bye home

Pepole need to learn real life from fantacy · 9:11am Jul 7th, 2021

A few days ago princess Candice was bullied off of the site it's never ok to bully people for anything especially writing a dam fanfic foalcon isn't real I get why people feel the way they do that being said foalcon isn't real so it's not technically pedophilia now if it was about real life kid's that's pedophilia for sure


Well i hope you feel dam proud of your dam selfves · 3:19am Jul 3rd, 2021

Well princess Candice left get a dam life bullies I don't give two f about foalcon it's not right to bully someone it pisses me off win people bully other's rip princess Candice account you was a icon and will sorely missed

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Wow just wow · 6:05am Jun 30th, 2021

https://www.fimfiction.net/blog/954592/ive-decided-to-kill-myself#comment/5544241 people are disgusting for bullying someone to suicide or too leaving it's despicable I will not standby and let this happen I will go on a massive reporting campaign till all the bullies are off here


Well today is my birthday · 8:16pm Apr 2nd, 2021

Today is my birthday

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Saying goodby isnt easy but change is needed · 1:40am Feb 28th, 2021

Let's say what needs to be said it's hard saying goodbye to friendship is magic but it's necessary for the fandom to survive friendship is magic really died after luarn forst left the more they deviated from her original idea's the worst it got till they finally killed for real that's sad really they stopped caring for the fan's and more than that after that what really bad is all it became was a way to sell toys and merchandise till they millked it dry so what happened to the the quality went

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Bitter sweet moment · 1:18am Feb 28th, 2021

It's sad really that moment win you realize your not able to write the stories you wanted to I've stalled out I need a editor and a co-author for all my stories I hope that I can find someone qualified cause my stories need to be told

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I'm looking for a long-term role play partner · 3:01am May 21st, 2020

I'm looking for a long-term role partner for a long-term rainbow x male human best friend it will be like a slow Brun on the clop part here is the idea we are very playful with each other snuggling and we sexually tease each other till one day you start noticing a change in how I act around you the thing is I recently I started dating no pony in particular when you get start getting jealous you start noticing how your feelings are changing towards me this role play will be done on my Facebook

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