• Member Since 10th Oct, 2018
  • offline last seen May 29th, 2019


I am taking time to think about my actions and may or may not return.


Important - Please Read · 6:22pm May 29th, 2019

Hello everyone,

My name is Wilfred, and I am sonic_applejack2005's father. For the remainder of this letter, I shall refer to him as simply SAD. First and foremost, I would like to apologize to all of you who have been hurt or offended by the content of the stories my son has been writing. A while ago, I became aware that he was writing stories about a television show he had recently started watching, but that was the extent of my knowledge of his activities.

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Writing Style Change · 6:26pm Apr 6th, 2019

hi everypony :fluttercry:

this is no april fools this time :fluttershysad: so um resintly i had a talk with my parents :pinkiesad2: um i showed them my stories and asked them wat they thot :pinkiehappy: but um they were actually prety unhappy :fluttercry: they told me the topics were too inapporpiate for somepony my age :fluttercry: but i still dont want to quit :fluttershysad: so i want to try something new at least for a little bit :pinkiesad2:

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I think I might be quitting... · 4:24pm Apr 1st, 2019

hi everypony :pinkiesad2: i have some sad news for u all today :fluttercry: I guess many of I have seen the author's notes on some of my stories resintly and I have been wuite busy with school :pinkiesad2: um well I have been feeling a bit overwhelmed and falling a bit behind in my studies :fluttercry: I talked to my parents and they were so upset that I have been getting bad marks in social studies :fluttercry: and um I guess something has to change :pinkiesad2: um it was a really hard

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sorry for the delay!!! · 6:44pm Mar 6th, 2019

hi everypony :pinkiehappy: sorry for not putting any stories out recently!!! :fluttercry: i've been so busy with school and i just havent had a spare minute in forever :raritydespair: i am getting kind of stuck on long division??? it's really hard :raritycry: but after my exams on Monday and Tuesday next week i should be ready to write some more for u all!!! :pinkiesad2:

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