• Member Since 17th Apr, 2018
  • offline last seen Last Thursday


''I am the Bad Wolf. I create myself. I take the words; I scatter them in time and space … a message to lead myself here.''-Rose. The new profile pic is by RiverMoon


I am back · 11:57pm Nov 26th, 2022

Hello guys so I am back. I am still here and check up on things. I hope everything has been good. I will tell you the truth O am having trouble with my life right now. I am going to stay here and logged in. I am going to stay. I don't know if I have the ability to keep writing but I will try to get to writing when things settle down.

Report Badwolf1175 · 205 views · #important

I am alive still! · 6:11pm Mar 11th, 2022

I am still alive and have not forgotten about this place. I have actually been feeling like coming back however right now I am looking for a job or I will be forcibly removed from my home so pretty high stakes but still I am still working on all of that and now there’s good news too. I have gotten my very new gaming PC which means I can make YouTube videos again. I used to make YouTube videos until I just couldn’t anymore because of life and pretty much my setup. The old gaming computer I

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Report Badwolf1175 · 202 views · #Important!

Hey everyone. I am just making a quick update. · 7:53am Sep 16th, 2021

I have and haven’t been doing to well recently. I had a lot of anxiety attacks recently due to stress but I am keeping myself largely busy for the most part with games. I plan on recording some games maybe and posting them on YouTube and as for my stories I really really want to write again but I know I can’t under the current condition I am in and so please wait for a bit. I am also getting worried because my birthday is coming up and well My birthdays don’t tend to end well. I am trying to

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I am alive. · 2:04am Jul 16th, 2021

Hello everyone. I have been gone for quite a while now and it’s because I am trying to work on my life and personal problems. I have been trying to get things together and get everything ready. It has not worked out so well. I know I have failed all of you and I promise I don’t plan on leaving forever but I need time to get my life together. I look back here and worry about how I failed you all. I am going to try and set my life on the right path but until I have a once of stability in my life

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Report Badwolf1175 · 240 views · #Important!

Update. · 7:02am Jan 2nd, 2021

So let's just talk about my stories. I am planning more for clever like a fox and others but sadly as I have said it will come out in short content bursts and I am planning a new story but it will have to wait. I am at a stand still because of the lack of content I have been putting out regarding my YouTube videos as well but a new law can come into affect that could be damaging to my channel but I am waiting to see what happens with it. so I have to be careful. Now I bet a Mass effect

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Happy new year everyone! · 6:38am Jan 1st, 2021

I just wanted to say Happy new year everyone! I will also be coming out with update blogs to talk about what’s going on.

Report Badwolf1175 · 162 views ·

Still alive. · 10:55pm Dec 4th, 2020

Hi everyone I am still alive but am going through a bunch of personal issues at the moment and am having trouble putting out content due to these issues. I am very sorry I disappeared and I am still working on putting out content. it's just going to be very short burst. I hope you all have a good day.

Report Badwolf1175 · 208 views · #important.

A new YouTube video. · 2:58am Nov 10th, 2020

Skyrim with mods part 1


This is a series where I will play through skyrim with mods on such as new questlines.

Report Badwolf1175 · 150 views · #Important.

Why do you guys think about Mass effect playthrough? · 5:58am Oct 17th, 2020

Mass effect is a classic and the whole entire trilogy deserves a place on my channel I plan on playing through Mass effect with all DLC's with buying the rest of the DLC's for Mass effect 2 and 3. Please tell me what you thing down below in the comments.

Report Badwolf1175 · 154 views · #Important

First YouTube video is out Now! · 8:48pm Oct 12th, 2020

I had to switch games do to the problems I was having with FOSE. Which is the Fallout 3 Script Extender but I fixed the problem. anyways I play Destiny 2 with my friend and girl friend instead. here's the link: https://youtu.be/nu4I0YJlInc

Report Badwolf1175 · 131 views · #Important!