• Member Since 10th May, 2012
  • offline last seen Jul 30th, 2014

DJ Leftwing


Post II · 2:27pm Jul 10th, 2012

Hey everypony. I have writers block...really bad writers block. Basically, what I'm trying to say is, don't expect any updates on The Harder They Fall anytime soon. I may try a few of my other ideas so that I can try to get around it, but I'm just sort of stuck on THTF. Sorry to anypony who was actually waiting for it, but it may be a while. Anyways, here's to hoping I get over this soon. Cheers. (raises imaginary glass and taps it against screen.)

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Post I · 1:36pm Jul 6th, 2012

I'm going to start using more standard names for my posts now, seeing as creative names are hard to think of. I'm also going to stop the nightly posts and just post when I feel like it. I felt like it right now, so I'm posting.

I started the revision of Ch. II today, so it will be updated sometime soon. The reason I'm sort of behind is because I had to reinstall my operating system to make it a 64 bit version instead of a 32 bit (I want the higher RAM capacity).

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I Hate Computers! Oh, and chapter 1 has been revised. · 2:42am Jul 4th, 2012

Okay, not really. I do hate them sometimes (like when they crash for no apparent reason), I usually go back to liking them pretty quickly (like when I find out that there was just a bit of dust in the RAM card slot).

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  · 2:56am Jul 3rd, 2012

Hey, does the blank title post thingy work? I thinks it does!

Started revision week today with chapter one. I pretty much doubled the length, getting it really close to 2K words now. I think it will be a major upgrade to the old version.

Started shopping for RAM today. For some reason, my music desktop only has 3 gigs, and I want something like six. What would be great though, is eight, but I don't think I have the money.

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Re-write Week · 10:10am Jul 2nd, 2012

Okay, I know I said chapter 8 was on it's way, and it will be, but not as soon as I at first expected. I'm going to use these next 1-2 weeks to re-write chapters 1-4 and make them longer and more descriptive. I hope eyerypony understands, and until I get those chapters revised, I am putting 'The Harder They Fall' oh hiatus.

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I Hate the Number 502 · 2:12am Jul 2nd, 2012

Evening again everypony. I'm having to battle my way through the 502 Gateway errors just to get anything done tonight.

Chapter VII was posted tonight, so go and check it out, it was fun.

Interesting news to all you writers out there that type your chapters in word. I got a macro script written up that applies the tags to the chapters so that you can just copy paste them directly to fimfiction, woohoo! Once I get all the bugs ironed out, I'll post it as a blog post.

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The Madmare Post · 3:04am Jul 1st, 2012

Why, hello eyerypony. Great to see you all again. Oh wait, I can't see you, I'm staring at ta computer screen talking into a microphone so I can transcribe it later.

Interesting news (to me) for today:

1. Taviscratch is practically canon shipping thanks to the card preview posted on EQD.

2. Dr. Whooves now has an alter ego name, which is not John Smith, but Time Turner.

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Post 77832 · 2:44am Jun 30th, 2012

Evening everypony (at least it's evening here)! Today, I finished getting my desktop completely set up, with all the programs and settings and...stuff. I'm mainly going to be using it for music production, but just for the novelty of it, I'm typing this post from it instead of my laptop.

I don't know if I mentioned this yesterday or not, but chapter VII has been sent to my proofs, and should be back sometime in the near future. Yippee!

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Absolutely Atrocious Article Antagonizing Aliens · 2:56am Jun 29th, 2012

Stuff happened today! Yay.

One, I found a way to control two separate computers with one mouse and keyboard connected to one computer.

Two, I got Live installed, and it actually words, so now I've got to figure it out. Woohoo!

Three, I NEED one of those Fluttershy key-chains from welovefine, but I don't have the money for 5 other items.

Five, no wait, four, I got A LOT done on chapter 7 today, and to get you interested, I'm going to post the first part right now.

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Report DJ Leftwing · 167 views ·

I'm Late, I'm Late, For a Very Unimportant Blog Post! · 4:09am Jun 28th, 2012

No new noteworthy notifications to tell all of you today. Well, technically yesterday, seeing as it's after midnight. I spent most of my day fiddling with my old Vista desktop that crashed a while ago and updating it to windows 7. Luckily, it's stable now, and I'll finally have a computer that can fun Ableton Live. Oh, and hey, if anypony has heard of the band Muse, they have a song called 'Butterflies and Hurricanes'. I'm thinking of writing a fic based around the lyrics, and it will

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Report DJ Leftwing · 172 views ·