• Member Since 8th May, 2012
  • offline last seen 6 hours ago



Finally getting a pc · 12:57pm Jan 15th, 2023

well i know its odd that i post a blog considering its been a few years but now im finally getting a pc and joining some of the pc gaming had to offer, still have a ps5 tho (way to much $ invested in my whole setup to ever get rid of it) but yeah i will still probably use this site on the phone usually, but i will def finally have the ability to play rdr2 past 30 fps which is really my end goal

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Report CyberCommand · 114 views ·

Our B day · 3:29pm Jul 4th, 2021

Happy Birthday to me and America this 4th of July :) born July 4th 1998 and im 23 now, im in love with the love of my life my boyfriend and i got a new ak shotgun, body armor, some new cloths and manny wishes and today is just a great day for me figurer i would share the good vibes, i wish everyone else a happy 4th of July and good vibes to you too!

Report CyberCommand · 199 views ·

I guess there is no point · 5:35am Apr 6th, 2020

I guess there is no point for this blog, the show has ended and I have changed a lot as a person since I joined this fandom, I only really come on here to go into the forums of the unsafe space and maybe that’s just it now, one day I’m sure this site will fade away but the memories I had here will not and I regret nothing

Yea I cringe at looking at what I said way back but then again who doesn’t go back at their childhood selves and cringe ?

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Report CyberCommand · 373 views ·

Update · 7:26am Mar 24th, 2019

I only really come on here to post in forums, I don’t really read fan fiction anymore but I still enjoy this community,
Thank you all for your time, but enough about me, when this site eventually goes away and we all know it will one day, I want you guys to know I will never forget the fun memories this site gave me,

Have a great day or night, :)

Report CyberCommand · 313 views ·

7 years · 12:25pm May 4th, 2018

I became a brony in 2011 and I joined this site May 7th 2012 and I’ve made friends, and I’ve lost friends but all that matters now is I have no regrets about anything and I now have an active career in commercial diving and have achieved my goal in life for that,
I’m 19 years old as of right now and I’m curently working in the Gulf of Mexico out on a job, I’ve been out here for 11 days and I should be back in 10 more

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I’m good now · 4:16am Mar 13th, 2018

All fine

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Not feeling well · 7:41am Mar 12th, 2018

Feeling suicidal

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I lost a friend today · 6:41am Jan 29th, 2018

I lost a friendship of 5 years today, never have been so devastated in my life ...

Report CyberCommand · 276 views ·

This song is special to me. · 3:14am Dec 3rd, 2017

I was born on the 4th of July and this song is just soo just feels magical,

Report CyberCommand · 266 views ·

Life · 2:29am Oct 19th, 2017

Life has its ups and downs, and while right now I seem ok, but sad at the same time but just wait a few days and I'll be happy again, just typing some shit so I can stay sane,
I'm home I've been home for a while, haven't updated these blogs like I used to but life gets in the way,
If anyone still cares I'm still here actively going thru groups I'm in,

I haven't had the time to read fanfics but I still love my favorites just all the nostalgia, but anyway have a great day or night everyone :)

Report CyberCommand · 270 views ·