• Member Since 1st Aug, 2017
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A Brony and a Gamer!


This is perfect...NOT! · 8:26pm Jan 9th, 2018

One would think that getting sick could help one to get more done when it comes to sitting and writing. Not when it knocks you onto your proverbial tail and then kicks you in the teeth for good measure! I gt sick about once a year and its always bad. Why did it have to happen when I finally have time for writing, because that is my luck fillies and gentlecolts. Happens every time. Anyway. I have chapters ready for use but I need to have the desire to do anything. Anyway I will try.

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Report OblivionShadow · 85 views ·

Sudden time off... · 6:59pm Dec 31st, 2017

Okay. I'm about to have a lot of free time so do not be surprised if chapters for all stories start coming out more often. I'm not sure if I will, but it would be interesting. I'm also working with a computer that is trying to kill itself. Mid Seppuku, I swear it. But I have parts en route so it should calm down. Maybe if I give it a blood sacrifice it will chill out. I am glad to see that people are interested in both of the new stories that I have. I also have a different version of the

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Report OblivionShadow · 100 views ·

Merry Christmas! · 4:12pm Dec 25th, 2017

I may be at work but that does not mean I am not having having fun at work. Okay fun might be the wrong word. But it could be worse. I have completed another chapter of Oblivion's story, in my extra time at work. So that's good news. It looks like there will be no problem with maintaining my normal update schedule. Was a bit worried that work would prevent me from doing the normal update. Any enjoy Christmas!

Report OblivionShadow · 99 views ·

Christmas... · 4:08pm Dec 22nd, 2017

Okay so my family is celebrating Xmas on Saturday since myself and my father work on Monday and we work days. So due to work probably being crazy if I miss my normal update I am sorry. Please bear with me and I am working on the chapter for Oblivion and Azure. Thank you for understanding. I do work in Customer Service so my time is limited this time of year due to volume.

Report OblivionShadow · 94 views ·

Well...My bad... · 5:04pm Dec 10th, 2017

Hi guys. So I might miss the update for this week. Due to work and family I'm completely swamped and the chapter has not been edited. I also have a new one that I am poking at and a collaboration that I am trying to get started, in between everything else. I am sorry if it gets delayed but I refuse to allow a sub par chapter to go out. My pride won't allow it. Since you are my readers and I do not expect you to edit it for me. :twilightoops: Again thanks for the support so far! Have a

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Report OblivionShadow · 100 views ·

Finally!... · 12:22am Nov 25th, 2017

Oh Holy Hells! Took a awhile but I finally got the bridle gossip chapter done. Ugh...End me with fire. I ended up working on other chapters that are not even in this season due to the lack of inspiration for this one. Hell. That was horrible. Anyway. I will still be uploading anew chapter on Tuesday...Maybe. My dog took a header out my car window on Thanksgiving so i am not sure if he is vet bound or not yet. So it may get postponed. I apologize in advance, but he's my youngest child.

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Report OblivionShadow · 114 views ·

No inspiration... · 10:24pm Nov 20th, 2017

I have absolutely no inspiration for the current chapter I am writing. Thankfully I have extra chapters ready but dammit! I want to finish the Bridle Gossip episode but I am stuck on getting to it. I have the interim half done but no clue about the met of the episode has come to me. Other story ideas and new chapters for Oblivion sure, current chapter....Nada. As I said, I am screwed with no motivation or inspiration for the next chapter. This is maddening! No worries chapter will still

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Report OblivionShadow · 108 views ·

A joke for a Witcher... · 4:28pm Oct 29th, 2017

Am on the Bridle Gossip episode and having trouble finding an affliction for Oblivion. Tossing around a few ideas but then have to figure out what to call him. Spike names them all and need to figure out something for our favorite Witcher pony. Maybe have his coloring swapped. Nah. Too generic and not funny enough. I'm open to ideas. The chapter is on hold while I figure it out. Don't worry though I have plenty stashed to keep the updates going. Zecora will probably drive me crazy due

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Report OblivionShadow · 151 views ·

Oblivion... · 3:39pm Oct 22nd, 2017

Okay so some have mentioned that Oblivion seems over powered. That's because he is. I designed him that way. He will actually become more of a back up plan in case things go truly sideways. If they are in danger he will act, otherwise he will observe. He is well aware of his abilities and has decided that he will only come forward if it is needed. I know it seems odd but the way he is designed is very specific. I will explain his power in later chapters. Some I have already written out

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Report OblivionShadow · 106 views ·

End me... · 12:59am Oct 21st, 2017

Gonna do a little upload tonight. Ending up with a sinus infection so my head needs to be removed and I'd be okay with that. So I will give a little upload today and then post again on Tuesday. My brain is dying I think so I haven't accomplished much editing on the next big chapter yet. So I haven't been able to accomplish much. Sorry guys. *bows head and falls down* Kill me with fire. Anyway have a nice weekend guys and I will do my best! *stays on the ground, holds up hoof*

Report OblivionShadow · 158 views ·