Tardis sent me into the future, damn.
Been a while, fimmy.
Any ulterior alien motives??
I'm not a brony. I suspect alien activity, that's why I'm here. I'm an alien myself actually.
13 looks so awesome!!!! I will be enjoying the next season's to come!!
Jodie looks amazing as the Doctor already. She's a great actress, and I think 13 will be an awesome character, I'm so friggen excited for the next season's! She doesn't look like the stereotypical of females, no! Her costume is sick, and she definetly looks tomboyish, which I like.
You know what I hope? I hope she's lesbian as well.
Full Name: You'll never know, human.
Future Career: Which incarnation..? Currently, writer.
Birthday: June 1
Age: 15
Relationship Status: technically single....Nah, I'm with my dreammate Megan.
Height: 6'0
Favorite Color: BlUE!
Girl BestFriends: Mabel Pines, Megan Snow, Amy Pond, Clara Oswald, Kara Danvers
Boy Bestfriend: Soos, Rory Williams, Cisco Ramon, Arthur Pendragon, John Reese.
In Love?: Yaaaas. With Megan. :)
Want Kids?: Nope