• Member Since 1st Jul, 2017
  • offline last seen Aug 2nd, 2017


I'm not a brony. I suspect alien activity, that's why I'm here. I'm an alien myself actually.

More Blog Posts33

  • 365 weeks
    Am I the only one who dislikes Dipcifica.

    *Goes into Tardis to collect Wendip shippers*

    7 comments · 356 views
  • 365 weeks

    Tardis sent me into the future, damn.
    Been a while, fimmy.

    Any ulterior alien motives??

    15 comments · 355 views
  • 366 weeks
    YEESSS!!! The 13th Doctor looks awesome!!!!

    13 looks so awesome!!!! I will be enjoying the next season's to come!!
    Jodie looks amazing as the Doctor already. She's a great actress, and I think 13 will be an awesome character, I'm so friggen excited for the next season's! She doesn't look like the stereotypical of females, no! Her costume is sick, and she definetly looks tomboyish, which I like.

    Read More

    3 comments · 352 views
  • 366 weeks

    13th Doctor to be revealed tomorrow!!!
    I'mma miss Capaldi!!!!

    I had a dream that the dude who played Loki was The Doctor, I hope not.

    Could be Kris Marshall.

    But personally, I hope Ben Whishaw, Colin Morgan or Phoebe Waller Bridge is the Doctor.

    5 comments · 354 views
  • 366 weeks
    Whenever I lucid dream about Megan.

    After I awaken, I long for Cisco and Megan.
    and theeeen this song plays in my head!!!:

    5 comments · 325 views

IM SO SCARED. · 4:04am Jul 16th, 2017

13th Doctor to be revealed tomorrow!!!
I'mma miss Capaldi!!!!

I had a dream that the dude who played Loki was The Doctor, I hope not.

Could be Kris Marshall.

But personally, I hope Ben Whishaw, Colin Morgan or Phoebe Waller Bridge is the Doctor.

Report Galaxy16 · 354 views ·
Comments ( 5 )

Wouldn't he technically be the 15th doctor though?

Yes, but we prefer not to be technical.

I can't wait! Do you know what time they'll reveal who's next?

At least they broke the pattern for a bit, where each version in the retroactive continuity was younger than the last. I think they did that with Spiderman for a while as well, and some parody comic predicted that by 2010 Peter Parker would be replaced with a jinx aged nine or ten year old. Speaking of which, I heard they were going to replace James Bond with a scotsman of a different color and that there was a major social backlash as a result. I'm not entirely sure that makes a difference across the pond. I assumed James Bond and 007 was a code name or cover they gave to whoever was top agent at the time, most likely because I haven't read the books by Ian Fleming, and still think 'Remington Steele' (also an assumed name) was the one with the best balance of goofy humor and seriousness. I think Craig's bond is/was very fun, a very good superman, but not as believable... Which is ironic considering he had what appeared to be the fewest silly and unbelievable fantasy toys and paramours of the different Bond's.

u where wrong

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