• Member Since 2nd Nov, 2011
  • offline last seen Jul 29th, 2022



News · 10:06pm Jan 13th, 2020

Good morning/afternoon/evening, wherever you are.

I would like to say, that tonight, I can confirm that I have finished the first half of Last of Dragonlords: A Good Mare Goes to War: Part 1: The Passing of Harmony. I just need to go through every chapter, cut some bits, redo some bits and get it consistent here and there, but for the most part, the story is done. And once it's up on here, I will take time and write out the second part; The War of the Realms.

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Merry Christmas! (Also, news and gifts...) · 7:58pm Dec 17th, 2019

Hello, Every pony!

Wow, what a year it has been, but it has been a good one for me, and I hope it's been a good year for all of you! Can't believe that the series is now over, except for that Pony Life thing, but meh, you all know what I mean.

Anyway, here's some news, which I'm wondering how some of you will take... I may be working on a new story.

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Writing Soundtrack · 3:33pm Jul 19th, 2019

Nothing beats writing an (hopefully) epic battle scene than listening to songs from the newest Sabaton album 😀

For those that write, do you listen to music while writing, or do you prefer to write in silence?

Hope to get another chapter out within a month or two :pinkiehappy:

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I'm Back · 7:58pm Aug 17th, 2018

It's been nearly 4 years since the last update, and much has changed for me since then. Been to Uni, got a job, left that job, got a GF, started a career in reenacting, and much more besides.

But, tonight, I have been going through Chapter 14 of Last of the Dragonlords: A Good Mare Goes to War, to get it into completing stage. It's almost ready, I would like just one proof reader to go over it for me, please?

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Story updates, future plans, and stuff. · 8:57pm Dec 19th, 2014

Good evening/morning, how are we all? I am really sorry for my moments of silence lately but things have been busy for me, if any of you didn't know.

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A Last of the Dragonlords Group has been created · 12:18pm Apr 6th, 2014

Hello, everyone, hope you are all well.

gcwg57 has created a group for the Last of the Dragonlord stories, the three I have made as well as the one made by Lightning Pheonix.

http://www.fimfiction.net/group/203091/last-of-the-dragonlords-fan-group Here is the link for the group, if you want to join it.

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Dragonlord Fans Might Want To See This · 8:44pm Nov 18th, 2013

Hello, everybody, I hope you are all well and having a pleasant evening, or day in some of your cases.

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Doctor Who? · 10:50am Aug 4th, 2013

Today is a big day for us Doctor Who fans, as today at 7pm, British time on BBC One, they will announce who will be the twelfth Doctor, replacing Matt Smith.

If any of you are fans of Doctor Who, who do you think it will be? Someone we don't know? A female Doctor, the first female Doctor? An older actor, or a younger one?

Either way, I am so nervoucited about it.

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Story updates, and honest opinions. · 8:16pm Jul 16th, 2013

Hello everyone, hope you are all well, and enjoying the summer. It’s hot here in England, but we’ll manage.

I thought I might give you all the low down of my stories, and how they are progressing.

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Updates and Other Story Plans · 7:09pm May 8th, 2013

Hello, everyone, how are you all?

Firstly, I would just like to say that I was blown away by the positive response the first chapter of ‘Last of the Dragonlords: A Good Mare Goes To War’ was given. When I started the story, I was plagued by doubts on whether or not this is a good idea, and that I should just cancel the plan and leave it as a single story.

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