Sup everyone. I'm a freelance editor who has much experience of editing stories. I also can be a assistant author too you want me to help with ideas for new stories/chapters for stories.
Hello there, new user! Welcome to our wonderful site full of horse words, FiMFiction! Feel free to follow me, and I'll be your guide. If you ever have any questions, about our site, don't hesitate to drop me a PM. We all welcome you to FiMFiction and hope you enjoy your stay!
ummm your welcome?
THIS INJUSTICE GOES NO FURTHER! I offer you a most exuberant and flamboyant thank you for your favorite of Shattered Souls!
ok thanks
Hello there, new user! Welcome to our wonderful site full of horse words, FiMFiction!
Feel free to follow me, and I'll be your guide. If you ever have any questions, about our site, don't hesitate to drop me a PM. We all welcome you to FiMFiction and hope you enjoy your stay!