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Ask That Guy With The Glasses did MLP:FIM? · 12:24am Sep 16th, 2012

turns out that Critic did kinda review it. it was a short 1 minute segment with a question about who's best pony: Twilight Sparkle or Rainbow Dash. and the ending: genius.

Report monsterlord18 · 179 views ·

the end of the Nostalgia Critic · 8:22am Sep 15th, 2012

we hear it from the man himself. The famous Nostalgia Critic has ended his 5-year run with the movie To Boldly Flee. Critic is gone, kaput, fin, done, out the window. but Doug Walker ain't done ripping a new one to movies and shows. no no no. next on his list is 'Demo Reel'. he goes into it in the video below. hopefully he'll review MLP:FIM in that. he should've done that for his series finale. eh. whatever. Scooby-Doo was still funny.

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Last Symphonia Sneak Peak · 7:22am Sep 15th, 2012

And here we go, part 2 of my Prologue B previews.
For those who didn’t pick that up, Prologue B is the name of the song I’m using in this epic snippets.
Now it’s Last Symphonia’s turn.
And like with War X, look at this. it'll help with some things, not all but some.

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who should Spike be with: Rarity or Sweetie Belle? · 4:50am Sep 14th, 2012

obviously, by the title of this blog, i'm putting to a vote of who Spike should be with. put your votes in and keep 'em coming. the result will be in the last chapter of this little love triangle.

and if anyone says 3-way, i'll deck you good for being a weirdo.

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Xenoblade Chronicles: The Movie {Chapter 4: The Real Melia?} · 7:18am Sep 13th, 2012

the following is part 4 of a epic 11-part game movie about one of the greatest RPG of all time, the epic story that is... Xenoblade Chronicles.

After defeating the Telethia, Shulk and his group head to Eryth Sea to seek imperial sanction for Prison Island. Upon arrival, they figure out that Melia is more important than they originally believed. Shulk heads to the city of the High Entia: Alchamoth to figure out who really is Melia, and what is her connection to the Telethia and the Monado.

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Report monsterlord18 · 175 views ·

concerning the stories relation with Season 3 · 8:19pm Sep 11th, 2012

music to read this by:

this ain't that bad a show. not as good as the movies but still. plus, this song is catchy as hell. at least in my opinion.

right, with Season 3 getting closer (hopefully before the world goes kablooy in a few months), i was thinking about how my story will react to Season 3. so, after much thinking, here it is.

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Xenoblade Chronicles: The Movie {Chapter 3: I Control It} · 5:12am Sep 10th, 2012

the following is part 3 of a epic 11-part game movie about one of the greatest RPG of all time, the epic story that is... Xenoblade Chronicles.

Upon rescuing Juju, shulk has a vision of him defeating Metal Face with his newfound power of the monado and a mysterious girl at a black tower. Who is this girl? What is this new power that shulk apparently unlocks? Shulk and his friends head towards prison island in order to answer these questions.

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War X Sneak Peek · 11:06pm Sep 8th, 2012

Hi there. New Sneak Peek for you guys and there’s no little contest this time. Completely by surprise. Hehe.
This little situation takes place in… em…. The 3rd tale of the War X series, whose name is the same as this sneak peek, Birth of Xeno Darkcross. Still not sure how long I’m gonna make that series, though. I know Requiem will be at least 6 and Last Symphonia… emm……. Maybe 8, possible 9. Either way, I’m gonna have my work cut out for me.

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Report monsterlord18 · 287 views ·

Star Wars: The Clone Wars season 5 · 5:58am Sep 8th, 2012

this looks so epic:

attack on Cato Nemoidia, the Invisible Hand being featured, some funeral scene at 1:40 and 2:24, Anakin edging closer to the darkside, and the sub-plots of Nightwatch, Maul, and Ventress probably being finished, something tells me this is gonna lead into Revenge of the Sith.

Report monsterlord18 · 185 views ·

earthquake in Mollala · 5:08am Sep 8th, 2012

3.0. felt all the way in Silverton. shook only the beds in our house. surprisingly, nobody else felt it. they say there's a big one coming up so i'm worried.

Report monsterlord18 · 159 views ·