• Member Since 18th Apr, 2016
  • offline last seen Aug 9th, 2017

Insane psycho

The voices in my head are my true friends.


Looking for some good stories · 8:29pm May 20th, 2017

Hi, I'm not going to say much but only if you know any good stories with the tags human, gore, dark and the part where things get heated?.

I'm just need help looking for some stories with those tags.

Report Insane psycho · 269 views ·

The truth · 4:15pm Apr 14th, 2017

I to anyone that knows I exist, if you had read my last blog I had said that my great grandma was on her deathbed. I was told by my parents that she died on 24 March which was the day I broke Up from school for The Easter holiday. On her funeral which was on 10 April I had found out that I was lied about her death.I had found out that she actually died on 22 March instead of that 24th.The reason why I am upset.....no heartbroken it's because 22 March is MY FUCKING BIRTHDAY!!. I

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I just dont know what to do? · 7:50pm Mar 21st, 2017

Hi to anyone who even notices me. My grate grandma is on her dearh bed and today me and my sister and mum just whent to see her for the last time and say our goodbys. I... Just dont know what to do, she was just laying there so out of it ,just waiting for it to all end. When it came to say goodbye i dont know if she heard me and is now looking for me because she thought I didn't say bye. Maybe I should have seen her more even though she lives on the other side of the uk. I just feel like she

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