new story!! · 7:03pm May 28th, 2016
hope ya'll like it!
promote story please!!
hope ya'll like it!
promote story please!!
im going to start on proofreading stories tomorrow! thanks!
ok Im now a small time proofreader! I only do small stories mainly and large stories sometimes, and I only proofread on fimfiction, like give me a password. im not a editor.
thank you!
time to go. but before i do,
in maybe a mouth from now, im going again, yeah personal stuff again, nothing bad, but im going to now be in my family's business, so i won't go to college, because college stinks! anyway im only going to be on to talk to RainbowDashX12345.
not going yet but soon. sorry. but only for two mouths.
it's not perfect... at all. but pretty good for first try!
tell me what ya'll think!