• Member Since 2nd Aug, 2015
  • offline last seen Sep 3rd, 2023

Dark Obsidian

My special ability is Dark Magic. I love Roseluck and Minuette and I always bow to my favorite ruler, King Sombra.


100 FOLLOWERS!! · 11:09pm May 11th, 2017

Whoo-hoo! After nearly 2 years, I've reached 100 followers, Thank you guys ever so much for the support and feedback, you all are amazing!

I really want to do something for you guys like an open Q and A or something like that, but I'll leave it up for you to decide. With all this being a way to make my day I can't help but say Thank you, Thank you all soo much.:pinkiehappy:

Report Dark Obsidian · 366 views ·

I TURN 18 TODAY!! · 12:27pm Apr 4th, 2017

Well Ponies and Bronies, It's finally happened, After 18 long years I am now legally an adult. It has been quite the journey to reach this milestone and the memories of childhood had been great. Now a new beginning has come, closing the chapter on my youthful and childish years behind. I'm proud to have been a brony since I was 13 or 14, made some friends here on Fimfiction and made an OC that I am proud of.

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Happy New Year of 2017 · 8:19am Jan 1st, 2017

Hello Ponies and Bronies, Obsidian here and what a year this has been, I almost reached the 100 follower mark, Chicago Cubs win the World Series, and Trump is President of the United States. I'll admit I may not have gotten a lot of writing in as I hoped due to Senior year and my editor's long Hiatus, But we're gonna kick this off right as we are now going to begin what we started.

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Apologies Once Again · 2:46pm Sep 10th, 2016

Hello Ponies and Bronies, Obsidian here with another apology to all what has been happening. So apparently now that I'm a Senior in High School, I got to really step up the pace with studying so I can graduate, get a class ring, and a yearbook. There is also finances to college and the tests to take.

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Check Out This Talented Artist · 6:55pm Aug 5th, 2016

These works were completed recently by 2135D so be sure you check him out in the future on his streams, deviant art, and fim page. A talented artist deserves a bit of recognition.

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1 Year Anniversary · 11:36am Aug 2nd, 2016

Hello Ponies and Bronies, Obsidian here for a very special occasion. Today marks my 1st year since joining this site. Since then I've published 6 amazing stories I grew fond of writing, Got 82 amazing people who like my writing or the Star Wars series and lastly having some really cool friends.

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Report Dark Obsidian · 278 views ·

Thanks · 7:39pm Jun 30th, 2016

When I woke up to check on A King's Ambition, I was amazed how popular it became. I want to thank each of you who took an interest to this.:twilightsmile: There is literally little to no Lion King crossovers so I wish to make a contribution or become the first to do so and please don't give me all the credit. My Editor/ Co-Writer Randablitz deserves some recognition for helping make my stories a success as well as I help him so this was a team effort.:yay:

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Titanic 104th Anniversary · 4:32am Apr 15th, 2016

Hello Ponies and Bronies, Obsidian here to say that it has been 104 years after Titanic and it still hits me every year and I'm sure it does for some people out there as well, especially the survivor's or deceased family members of those aboard the ill-fated liner. Titanic was the topic that got me hooked in history and after learning about Britannic as well, I became more fascinated with the history that makes up in our world. In short, I'm glad Titanic can give us drives and motives and

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Birthday Today! · 11:02pm Apr 4th, 2016

Hello Ponies and Bronies, Obsidian here to say that I'm now 17 years of age! My birthday has hit and I'm quite excited to share it with you guys! Since I turned 16, I let my birthdays coast by like any other day, have a few shout outs here and there, and just enjoy my special day. Now I want to open a little Q&A About my personal life as long as it's appropriate. Other than that ask me anything and as many questions as you like. Til next time, I'll talk to you all later.

Report Dark Obsidian · 296 views ·

Apology · 10:03pm Mar 31st, 2016

Hey Ponies and Bronies, Obsidian here and I want to apologize that Second Chances is not getting updated as frequently as my other stories, I'm just going through a lot of school right now and I want to update it really, but with all my other projects, I don't think I'll be able to do so for now. I'm not abandoning it or cancelling it anytime soon, but more of a hiatus for now. I want to thank you for understanding and hopefully I can kick off with the story that started it all. Til next time,

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