• Member Since 27th Jun, 2015
  • offline last seen Yesterday

lost worlds

After a year or so I finally decided that I should make an account on this site to comment and or write because I love reading the stories posted here.


Invite · 8:11am May 19th, 2019

I realized it was likely stupid to just ask anyone interested in taking part in my plan to merely comment their interest, instead I will be posting a link to a discord server (made moments before this blog post will be put up and I go to sleep) so that those interested can instead join that server if they are interested



Question · 9:50pm May 16th, 2019

So I have a question for all of you who actually read what I write (which I do apologize for my lack of writing as of recent). You see, an idea was brought up to a friend of mine, that I create a server on Discord, where I have people actually roleplay the main characters so instead I can focus on world building and lore. This idea intrigues me, and I plan to rewrite Fight for Survival (redone) using him as my player as Jack Crested (Who my friend promises to play as faithfully to his character

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Times done · 4:21pm Feb 17th, 2019

The vote is over with a whopping only vote in total for Accidental Warriors, and no other votes... Based on this and the larger popularity (if you can call it that) of Accidental Warriors compared to Fight for Survival (redone), Accidental Warriors shall be continued while Fight for Survival (redone) will be put on hiatus until Accidental Warriors completion.

Report lost worlds · 158 views ·

Getting back to it (Fight for survival (redone) vote) · 1:29am Feb 15th, 2019

So I'm going to actually pick back up my writing, but I'd like to focus on one story for now so I want to go to you, the viewers (or at least those who care enough to read my garbage), which story would you like to see continued? Whichever is chosen I will continue while the other will be put in hiatus until the completion of the chosen story.

So as it stands the two choices for which story will be continued are Accidental Warriors, or Fight for survival (redone)

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Report lost worlds · 185 views ·

Getting back to it (Accidental Warriors vote) · 1:29am Feb 15th, 2019

So I'm going to actually pick back up my writing, but I'd like to focus on one story for now so I want to go to you, the viewers (or at least those who care enough to read my garbage), which story would you like to see continued? Whichever is chosen I will continue while the other will be put in hiatus until the completion of the chosen story.

So as it stands the two choices for which story will be continued are Accidental Warriors, or Fight for survival (redone)

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Report lost worlds · 190 views ·