Summer is here! · 3:47pm Jun 20th, 2016
And hell is it hot!! Not that Tia minds..
Wish she would turn it down just a bit.. 100 by noon is a bit much..
Interested in friends and a good read.
And hell is it hot!! Not that Tia minds..
Wish she would turn it down just a bit.. 100 by noon is a bit much..
lol this is how i see Derpy in the chase early on. Though i think she would still do something like this for her little ones xD
Sure have! Though pinkie ass is now keeping her from breaking fourth walls.. Need to cut back on the cake girl!
Awww who am i kidding i like that ass. n.n
Haven't been on in awhile.. no time to read anything, mostly felt shitty, that or just a lack of wanting to do anything.. havent felt like reading at all, backed up on stories to read, i got about 111 chapters to read... I don' t know whats up with myself.. just don't feel like talking to anyone really.. normally id be pestering kudz or my other buddy scar but.. i dont know ive not been on i think in over a week... or more.. just felt no need.. Maybe im broken or loosing touch.. i feel very
Some how i wonder how his computer screen never catches fire.. lol
I was looking over letgo and found a 1983 Mercedes Benz 240D with just over 7000 miles and they are only asking 3500 for the car.. It looks to be in go shape seller says it runs good. It's a pearl white steal rims, I know for a fact kudz would Love this car.
Yup, its just something i threw together based on a dream I had a night ago, its also loosely based on a story that a writer i watch on here, his name is Scarheart, his stories are really good so all of you who see this post give me time to post the story and hope to god the admins don't dick me.. lol again.. MY grammar is horrid but I tried to take sometime to see if i had typos though i seen none. I will say the story had a lot of emotions going in to it so.. i really worry it will bomb but i