• Member Since 19th Apr, 2015
  • offline last seen Feb 28th, 2017

Nighttime Bellows

Lord of the dark; Nighttime Bellows, is a Creature that is made of pure darkness. Bent on destroying Disord.


TO MY FOLLOWERS! ^_^ · 8:54pm Jun 9th, 2016

I'll personally will let you know each major update I have and open a pm port. If you don't want to be pm'd every major update. I'll set up a list who doesn't want pm.

I've been thinking a lot about the books I want to put out. But i never have much time to get it done. I'll be able to work on some of the stuff in a few weeks when, the soreness from working out goes away. (I play football, new workout routine).

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Like most people would read this since i got no followers. · 2:21am Jun 7th, 2016

The plot line is basic for my book.

kid has a fun life all the way to the end. Haha I say no.

Human in Equestria? over done.

Plot twist near the end of book or middle, could be both. not original.

Near death stuff? please i go for after death.

This I'm afraid it Is not the book you want if it's any of the above.

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Morning folks · 12:47pm Jan 5th, 2016

Last night gave me a few story ideas.

A pony born a rebel, help with the war at hand in anyway she could. But as the war ended, her rebellious side kicks in. Showing her strength, being stronger than any earth pony ever to be born.

Her name is Winterus, a wild child.

The others I cant disclose, well not on this account. But it gave me a huge insight of what i need to be doing with my life. AND IT'S NOT PLAYING GAMES!

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At long last. · 2:53am Jan 5th, 2016

I'm almost ready to come back more fully onto this site. Just need to flush out a few things and set up my charging bay, so. I can be mobile. I also will be able to be online throughout the day, BUT! I will be offline right after school ie 1500 hours. I'll be back online the next day. With either an update of a book or News of this account.

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Name change, Profile update, and A NEW SERIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! · 1:05am Sep 6th, 2015

I am proud to announce that I'm finally starting the series! With it there will be weekly updates on weather, or not i have time. Or how it's going persay the percent of how much is done. Right now as we speak I'm going through the last of my ideas before i start. I also have the prologue all set up like it needs to be. I just have to write it down/edit/proofread it then i should be set!

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Report Nighttime Bellows · 281 views · #XD

Hmm actually who would win pinkie or apple? · 7:22pm Aug 14th, 2015

I think pinkie.

Report Nighttime Bellows · 175 views · #XD

Who would win. Two different kings of kaiju. · 4:24am Aug 7th, 2015

This guy.

or this one.

Who would win?

Report Nighttime Bellows · 180 views · #?

I'm Not going to be on tomorrow. · 2:58am Aug 3rd, 2015

Take'n a day off.


WoW... 7 followers!!! Thank you for the follow, how ever i earned it. · 4:05pm Aug 1st, 2015


*sighs* she or i mean he is everywhere. · 3:58pm Jun 21st, 2015

yep a new book with eris's name as discord's son...

alll i see is discord in this site aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! This just makes me want to play games. eh.