• Member Since 13th Mar, 2015
  • offline last seen April 15th

Lord Weesus Christ

"You cannot conquer Ireland. You cannot extinguish the Irish passion for freedom. If our deed has not been sufficient to win freedom, then our children will win by a better deed." - Pádraig Pearse


24x24 podcast! · 7:19am Feb 20th, 2019

We’re gonna be doing a 24 hour livestream interviewing 24 different people this coming Saturday, the 23rd! You can read more about it and post your questions here on the B-Team group thread!


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B-Team podcast with Milk! · 11:27pm Feb 17th, 2019

We’re starting in 5 minutes we got Milk of the Barcast! Come join us and enjoy the cast. We go live in 5 minutes!

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New Podcast · 7:10am Feb 14th, 2019

Hey guys! I have some exciting news, there’s a new podcast series that’s gonna be coming out soon, that I myself am gonna be a part of! So I would really appreciate it if you guys could help spread the word. We’re trying to get to 100 followers on twitch by the end of Feb if possible. But we have a lot of re-working and revamping to do before then and a lot of links and advertising to do and post.

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Join this bitchin’ server! · 11:23pm Feb 11th, 2019

Hey my dudes, long time no see. I’m here to bring you a awesome server by this lovely faggoty shitlord person

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It’s finally finished (plus some news for PoME) · 12:50pm Mar 12th, 2018

Hey everyone, well it’s done. My story has finally drawn to a close after almost 2.5 years, and what an insane 2.5 years it’s been.

Now I’m sure some of you are wondering why I’m ending it so abruptly, but that’s for two main reasons. First and foremost, I have lost pretty much all drive and motivation to write this story, but I didn’t want to just half ass my way through the last chapter which is why I have just been chipping away at it until I felt it was ready to be published.

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The Night Before Kushmas · 4:26pm Nov 30th, 2017

Twas the night before Kushmas, when all thro’ the house,
Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse;
The bongs and rigs were set on the table with care,
In hopes that Kush Kringle soon would be there;
The stoners were nestled all snug in their beds,
While visions of moonrocks danc’d in their heads,
And Mama in her beanie and I in my cap,
Had just settled our brains for a long stoner’s nap-
When out on the lawn there arose such a bubbling,

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New Story · 7:37pm Oct 23rd, 2017

Hey everyone, sorry for the inactivity on both my story and just in general. The past couple months I've been working on getting enough money to put towards a house in either New Hampshire or England, depending on where me, my fiance, and my friend Riley and her fiance Kit want to raise our family (we're joining our two families) and as the title of the blog says, I have a new story.


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"new" story and Discord chat · 2:59am Jun 20th, 2017

Hey everyone, as I told you all before, I stopped writing new chapters for "Kiss the Chef" but what most of you don't know or possibly forgot about if you were following me last May/June, is that I am the co-author of another similar story on FanFiction.net by the name of "The Girls Of My Life"

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Story Update (Important) · 3:39pm Apr 27th, 2017

Hey everyone, I haven't done one of these in a while so I figured now, while I'm doing nothing at work since it's super slow, I'd give you guys the latest news on Kiss The Chef.

Well for starters, I was planning on getting back to writing in my spare time and hopefully finally wrap up the story back in February but my writing computer caught a malware virus and after months of trying to get it fixed, it's been determined that it's fried.

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Happy 4/20 and temp name change · 2:57pm Apr 20th, 2017

Hey everyone! this'll be a short blog so just wanted to say happy 4/20 to you fellow stoners and non-stoners alike. also I changed my name for the occasion as well, if you can guess where its from you don't get a prize you just get the satisfaction of knowing that you guessed an obscure reference of the name of some shmuck on a pony fan fiction website

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