• Member Since 16th Oct, 2011
  • offline last seen March 7th



Frustration vs. Patience · 8:43pm Oct 13th, 2012

Well, it's been months since my last chapter. Sorry folks. Between Writers Block and some very pernicious and unpleasant health problems I don't see the circumstances changing anytime soon. I am still working on this, with every intent to finish it...if nothing else I want to see how it turns out, as I'm letting the story lead me at this point. Oh, I have some ideas about where it's going, don't get me wrong, but I'm finding pleasant surprises along the way.

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Edit Addendum · 5:05am May 29th, 2012

As stated in my last post, I wasn't happen with the ending of the last chapter and had decided act on suggestions received in regards to making it more powerful. Hopefully I succeeded. Anyhow, feedback is welcome.

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The Cliff Ender That Wasn't · 8:28am May 28th, 2012

After reading my latest chapter to Chatoyance aloud both she and I were unhappy with the way I ended it. Her suggestions and advice have got wheels turning in my noggin', and I hope to have an editorial addendum to "Battlestations" if all goes well. I hadn't meant to leave things hanging, and to do so in an uninteresting and non-suspenseful way at that. Just the mark of my lack of experience in these matters. Having a wonderful and patient teacher around can be a blessing. Stay

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The Second Chapter - Writer's Block · 3:30pm May 1st, 2012

I've always said that I can tell when I'm challenging myself to something really important in my life - it's when I'm feeling terrified. That's how I feel about this story. I know with my intellect that there's nothing to be scared of - it's just that I've tried and failed in the past to write anything longer than a poem. The response to my first chapter was encouraging and kind, thank you. I've had trouble with the next chapter, it was seeming forced and wouldn't flow. As of this morning

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A Plea To Hasbro, Inc. · 12:14am Apr 2nd, 2012

My fellow Bronies,

I have taken the time to write a letter to Hasbro, in regards to there being so few quality collectable products available on the commercial market. If you feel the way I do, I ask you to take a moment, and do the same. Maybe if we inundate the Marketing Department with these, we might get something worth while before the "trend" has passed us by.

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A Poem Inspired by A Taste of Grass, by Chatoyance - and dedicated to Her · 3:04pm Jan 3rd, 2012

Being a long time Ren Geek (31 years and counting) I couldn't help but associate a little with Ren, in this story. Here's what my idea was of what he'd perhaps write. For those unfamiliar with Elizabethan/Shakespearean language: the words ending in 'd are pronounced like they would regularly be pronounced today, but are spelled differently because, back then, words ending in ed were pronounced as if there were another syllable there. The term Mores = Morals, the way of doing

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