• Member Since 1st Nov, 2014
  • offline last seen Nov 16th, 2017


Not much of a brony, but still I do like the show time to time. I like it enough to be one but not obsessed, but still. I'm a Fallout series fan, as well as a Halo freak, Bioshock enthusiast, + more


Back again! · 8:46pm Dec 15th, 2016

I'M BACK! Sorry folks, my computer's hard drive blew up (Not literally) and couldn't get back on until I got a replacement.

So anyways, Here I am.

Report Alpha777 · 419 views ·

New Profile in Fanfiction! · 11:45am May 20th, 2016

So yeah, I've join Fanfiction and already I've made a story with a very similar character from my story, "Desert Ranger of Equestria" and called it 'Ranger of Remnant', a crossover story between Fallout New Vegas and RWBY. I just needed to do a story or so that involves instead with MLP crossovers. I'm not abandoning Fimfiction at all or the stories, I just wanted to write other stories of such. If you guys want to check it out, then here is the description.

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Report Alpha777 · 365 views ·

edited the chapter 'To the Hunt and into Battle' · 6:09pm Apr 22nd, 2016

I added more to the chapter of 'Knight of Steel' and made it a little longer, but in the future I will actually add more and more to it to make it even longer, but for now, enjoy.

Report Alpha777 · 305 views ·

Re-edited chapter of 'Knight of Steel' · 5:44pm Feb 7th, 2016

I re-edited the last chapter 'The Arrival' I made again to be even more longer this time, well I added more content where it left off so if any of you have already read it, then just skip down when the airship arrived to canterlot and also, heres a sneak peek for this battle

Liberty Prime(Fallout 4)


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Report Alpha777 · 511 views ·

Knight of Steel Chapter re-written · 3:22am Feb 3rd, 2016

I have edited the Chapter 'The Last Stand and Reinforcements" into a longer chapter and a surprise at the end.:pinkiehappy:

Report Alpha777 · 343 views ·

New Story Suggestion · 7:09am Jan 22nd, 2016

I've got a few stories I wanted to create but I can't make them all at once, but probably make 2 or 3, so I want your vote on which of these below you want to see happen.

1) A human-turned Draugr Deathlord(From Skyrim)

2) A human-turned Dragon(Also from Skyrim)

3)A human-turned Deathclaw(From Fallout)

4) A cosplayer turned into a Samurai Warrior(with an exception with a friend of the cosplayer if you want or not)

5) My character from Skyrim(who is a Nord)

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Report Alpha777 · 298 views ·

Special for the story 'Knight of Steel' · 2:04pm Dec 12th, 2015

I want to hear from you guys of who you want Paladin Knight Vaughn to meet next whether it be a character from the MLP itself, or another universe like a certain anime, another game, etc. Comment me at the story itself for your answers.:pinkiehappy:

Report Alpha777 · 418 views ·

Re-edited the chapter 'For the Brotherhood' · 8:31pm Dec 4th, 2015

I re-edited the chapter into a long one with changes into it, and a surprising new threat.

Report Alpha777 · 237 views ·

New Story 'Knight of Steel' · 9:07pm Nov 27th, 2015

This is my third story I've made and I hope it is as good as my first 2 stories and hope you enjoy it:twilightsmile:

Report Alpha777 · 452 views ·

Edited 'Learning a Hero's Past' chapter of the story 'Desert Ranger of Equestria' · 9:00pm Nov 20th, 2015

I've edited the chapter to be a little bit longer, considering I kinda forgotten to add the parts of some of the DLCs of Fallout 3. So check it out and re-read it. I hope You enjoy it more.:twilightsmile:

Report Alpha777 · 222 views ·