• Member Since 13th Oct, 2011
  • offline last seen Apr 29th, 2014

Candy Drop

I really like pie and writing. And I am hyper. Did I mention that I love pie? I don't think I did.


Candy Drop · 3:40pm Oct 14th, 2011

Hey all! I'm Candy Drop. The only thing you should really know about me is that I'm very hyper. That is all.

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Comments ( 7 )
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Heya! Thank you so much for the fave on Finding Your Place! Stick around, the next chapter wraps it all up! :twilightsmile:

I just wanted to give those who favorited Spellbound my personal thanks. It is, but the support of those who like my story enough to give me this positive encouragment, that keeps me writing and keeps me striving to improve. Thanks -Kam-

Thanks for the fave! :yay:

Hey man, welcome to the Equestria Noir fan club

Thanks for the favorite :twilightblush:.
This means a lot to me, seeing how self-inserts are frowned upon...you did read it at first right? You know what, forget what I just said.:twilightoops:

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