• Member Since 19th Mar, 2012
  • offline last seen Feb 16th, 2023


the wankstain formerly known as Chromosome


How Cambodia Made Me Hate Ponies · 12:42pm May 4th, 2012

Mares and stallions, fillies and gentlecolts...I'm back. It's been a long journey, a trying time, but I've finally returned from my trip to Cambodia. Not only am I physically exhausted, but I'm also emotionally and morally drained. And so, to prove I haven't been gaffing about for the past week, allow me to recount my tale. I'll be upfront with you...it's going to be TL;DR, and contain very little pony. If you don't like that sort of thing, just scroll to the end. I'll have something adorable

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Temporarily on Leave · 3:43pm Apr 27th, 2012

Alrighty folks. I know that I'm a very slow writer, so it might not seem like very big news, but I'll be gone for week from this Saturday until Friday. And by gone, I mean gone. No answering messages, no chat, no nothin'. Why, you might wonder? Well, I'm glad you asked!

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Maximum Awesomeness · 2:46am Apr 25th, 2012

Alright gents, this is going to be a doozy of a journal. And I mean a REAL doozy of a journal! Our top researchers have taken and compressed the essence of all things awesome into a concentrated chemical form, and it's some potent stuff! I don't know how they did it, but I like it! And so I went and poured the whole damn bottle onto this journal! The boys in the lab are telling me it's crazy, but HA! What do they know? They call themselves scientists, but they couldn't science their way out of

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Why I Haven't Been Writing · 10:22am Apr 22nd, 2012

Alright, I rarely excuse myself for not being able to do certain things, but this time I do have a legitimate reason as to why I haven't been writing and posting. For those of you that follow me on my blog, then you know that I'm working on writing the storyline for a video game that we've (finally) called My Little Pony: Dusk of Aetas.

Well guess what? We've got something to show you.

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Diabeetus · 11:49pm Apr 13th, 2012

Softheart is most adorable cute awesome pony because HNGGGG.

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Canvas for Best Pony? · 1:57pm Apr 11th, 2012

I love Canvas. A sweet, unsettled soul. I really don't do him any favors though, do I? But no. Fluttershy is best pony, and you'd be silly to think so otherwise.

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Alive And Kicking · 1:27am Apr 1st, 2012

Yep, this FimFiction account really hasn't seen much action, has it? And that's a little disappointing for you guys, I imagine, since so many of you have signed on before I even put out any new content! That means loads, so thank you one and all for your support! Anyways, let's get to the meat of things!

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Story: White Box · 4:04am Mar 22nd, 2012

If there's one thing I really don't enjoy about FimFiction, it's the lack of integration for Google Docs. Therefore, the only way I can really put this story up here is by linking the Equestria Daily article. If you haven't read this already...do it. It's kind of my crowning jewel at this point in my writing career.

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