• Member Since 16th Feb, 2012
  • offline last seen Apr 6th, 2023



On the Matter of Headcanons · 10:56pm Nov 8th, 2014

So it's been a while since I've posted a blog post. Or story, for that matter. Do I have a story for you? Eh...I'll get back to you on that. But a blog post? Now, that I have.

We all have a headcanon about the show. Even if you say you don't and you just trust what the published materials say exclusively, that's still a headcanon. A boring headcanon, but a headcanon nonetheless. The only way to not have one is to be unaware of the show.

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The Act of Writing - The Importance of Character · 7:05pm May 30th, 2014

While I wish to continue my discussion about ponies as lanterns, that is a post that must wait until I can make it a little less like a rambling, mad jaunt like the last one was. As such, today we shall discuss the act of writing fiction itself, which I'll continue to do here until I feel I've discussed every little nook and cranny concerning it. For that reason these posts will not be separated into parts, as doing so implies a definite end which may not actually come. That is, of course,

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Let's Talk About Lanterns, Part 1 · 11:13am May 22nd, 2014

I've been reading Geoff Jon's run on Green Lantern lately, and the not-written-by-him-but-still-awesome Green Lantern Corps, and have been greatly enjoying it. There's something to be said for an intergalactic police force powered by courage--don't you dare correct me, courage is an actual emotion, willpower is not--with a bunch of other corps powered by other emotions interacting with them, some evil, some not, and some definitely not. So let's talk about Lanterns right now,

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A Blog, Huh? · 11:59pm May 2nd, 2014

So it has come to my attention the FiMFiction has a blog system. I had not actually noticed this before, or I would have used it more. No matter! Allow me to fix this mistake now with an introduction.

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