• Member Since 25th Jun, 2013
  • offline last seen Aug 4th, 2016



Apologies and Update on Snow Crystal · 3:11am Jul 16th, 2016

Ok so I know that it's been an eternity since I've been on here and I'm really really sorry for those who have been waiting for more chapters. I 've been really busy as of late and I was kinda figuring out some changes in my life. But I'll try to be more consistent in doing stories.

Now with that out of the way, there's an update on Snow Crystal's past.

For those of you who've read my Secret of the Snow blog post, then you'll see some tweaks I'll be mentioning here and filling some gaps.

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The Secret of the Snow · 1:49pm Jul 30th, 2013

Hey again everypony! It's Karshiva here! Ok, so I thought of a new idea for a Discolight story and it will be featuring my pony version, Snow Crystal. For those of you who have been reading my blog posts then you know who I'm talking about it. If you haven't....I'll give you a brief summary.

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Pony Version of Me 2! · 2:59pm Jul 25th, 2013

Hi again guys! Sorry I haven't been on lately. I had school. So anyway, I finally thought of a name for my pony version.

And her name is -drumroll- Snow Crystal! So I've already told you how Snow is like in her personality. So now I'll tell you how close she is with the other characters in the show and whether she has a love interest etc etc.

Name: Snow Crystal

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The Pony Version of me · 10:11am Jun 26th, 2013

As I had promised, this blogpost will be about my pony version.

I haven't really decided on a name yet. But I'll give you the traits of what she's like and let you guys suggest on what her name should be.

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Being the Newbie · 9:55am Jun 26th, 2013

This is my first blogpost on this site! Wow! So, I'm trying to cope with being one of the newbies on the site, I mean, it's not easy. Because questions will run in your head like 'Will people like my stories?' That's a common question I have whenever I join a new site that allows members to write fanfiction.

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