• Member Since 2nd Feb, 2012
  • offline last seen May 21st, 2017

Kim Kimera Kimes



Story: 'A mother's care' is out! · 1:09pm Nov 12th, 2013

Finally I was able to make the cover image for my fic thus completing it.

It has taken like, a year to complete. A story about a mother might not roll with me it seems, but it is done and I like it.

Now I can focus on my tumblr blog, but that doesn't mean I am gone here, no~
Whatever I make and write there will hopefully make its way down here.

Anyway, go read my story and leave a comment, it would be appreciated!

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Fic #2 is almost done · 8:27pm Sep 4th, 2013

As you can see in the title my second fic is almost done. Actually it is done, I only have it get shredded by proofreaders and editors. It was along road getting this one ready and it shows I got a long way until I am a professional writer, but I also have shown improvement.

And now I am sitting here thinking what else I can write in this blogpost XD

Story of my life...

Well time to find someone to shred it!

Report Kim Kimera Kimes · 286 views ·

Character Descriptions · 1:33am Feb 18th, 2013

I am busy once more with a story and i was wondering about my character descriptions in relation to how other writers do it. So i amde a post in The Writer's group and watched th posts flow in; http://www.fimfiction.net/group/50/the-writers-group/thread/11717/character-descriptions

For those who see it, may you learn something from it. in any case, this is a nice remainder for myelf.

Report Kim Kimera Kimes · 324 views ·

Curses: Day 3.2 is out · 2:26pm Nov 12th, 2012

My fic's fourth chapter is out to read, it is also arguably the most important one. Now go read it while I pray there is nothing wriong with it.

Report Kim Kimera Kimes · 388 views ·

Curses progress · 8:02pm Nov 8th, 2012

Chapter 5 has been written, thus now I can start revising chapter 4 and post it. Once I am satisfied with it.

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Question to those who follow me · 7:10pm Oct 22nd, 2012

As some or all of you know, I am busy writing chapter 5 of Curses, while chapter 4 is waitin for revisions before posting. I was planning to do that after writing chapter 5 but now it seems that chapter 5 will outgrow all my other chapters in length, so I am wondering if I shouldn't go and revise chapter 4 to release it or to continue?

Report Kim Kimera Kimes · 288 views ·

My first MLP fanfic; Curses · 5:26pm Sep 19th, 2012

Yeah, not the most original name, but it covers the story. anyway, as I write this post, my story is in process of approval, so it is just waiting till the mods get around to it.

Anyway my story is about a mountain town called Rocky Slopes, where on the first day of the three days of a heavy storm, the towns inhabitants start to suffer from a curse. Now where did it come from?

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Report Kim Kimera Kimes · 297 views ·

time for a little test · 6:50pm Jul 17th, 2012

the first paragraph of my fic, to test how it would look on the site.

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