• Member Since 29th Jan, 2012
  • offline last seen February 14th


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749329 How does it feel to be basically the chillest person in the world right now? You legend. Such a rush to get good review, especially from someone who obviously has good taste.

What Pink Floyd group are you in? I joined the first one I found and posted. I didn't realise there was such a wide variety of such fantastic groups!

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Even slower like a slower tortoise full of an even further dated Hip-Hop Rap reference · 10:51pm Sep 13th, 2014

I am alive. I am writing. please still be listening. spend too little time looking away from the abyss and the abyss no longer looks back into you.

Stay brony!

Titch Thomas

Report MrTitchThomas · 384 views · Story: Another Brick in the Wall ·