• Member Since 27th Jan, 2012
  • offline last seen Last Thursday

Zap Transfer

Good vibes? Good vibes.


Some Bad News.. · 11:41pm Apr 18th, 2012

Readers, Friends, my fellow bronies.

We have a serious issue that needs to be fixed. An excellent writer and friend of mine and others: k12314, is threatening to leave the fandom and separate all connections on skype.

The reason for this is that an argument happened between another friend, resulting in some rather unwanted words being said. He is now in a state of self-pity, and feels as if he is a burden to his friends and family.

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More Busy Time Ahead... · 3:14am Apr 16th, 2012

Hey there everypony. Looks like, once again. The next chapter won't be out for awhile. I have to go to State pretty much, and compete with other students around the world in the subject: Computer Science. I only have a week left (21st), and I have studied absolutely none on the subject. I got by on the Rally simply by logical guessing. It was 40 questions, all multiple choice. I apparently beat my good friend beside me, who actually read up on the subject before hand. Sheesh, I suppose

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Collaborative Story incoming! · 8:52pm Apr 10th, 2012

Yup! That's right! Some very popular writers/great friends of mine and I are coming together to make a story of our own! This will be quite fun, and I assure you all, you will thoroughly enjoy every bit of it!

Oh, yes... this shall be quite entertaining indeed!

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Busy Busy! · 11:12pm Mar 7th, 2012

Hey there everypony! Next chapter is up, finally! I'm sorry it takes so long between chapters, but I've been having quite a bit of school to deal with... that.... and some drawing. xD

I felt I have been getting slightly more sloppy with my writing in this next one, so I would appreciate any and all feedback from anypony! I'm serious! Tell me straight up! I want to listen to you guys! :D

Thanks for reading: Gyrofest96

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Keep Derpy. · 4:41am Feb 5th, 2012

My Response to hearing about the Petition to Remove Derpy: http://mylittlefacewhen.com/media/f/img/mlfw2559-Zecora_explains.png

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