• Published 3rd Feb 2012
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twilights search for trixie - The watchful pony

twilight looks for trixie after one night

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chapter 2: twilights new experiences

Twilights search for Trixie

Chapter2: Twilights new experiences

Twilight traveled for what seemed like hours (not that she could tell since the sun wasn’t out yet). She felt fatigued from a lack of sleep, and the many miles she had walked. She sighed in relief when she finally found another town. When she entered the town she noticed how small it was compared to Ponyvill. All the town had was 4-5 houses, an inn, and a small shop. She went to the inn first to find a place to catch up on her sleeping. She entered the inn to find it was also a bar and despite the town being almost completely dead, the bar was alive with drunken ponys and fillies in short, revealing outfits. She sat on a bar stool waiting for the bartender to show up. “What’s your poison beautiful”, Twilight couldn’t help but blush a little. She looked up to see a large stallion with a gray coat and a silver main in the shape of a mohawk looking down on her. “Just water, please”. “You sure, I could give you a miller light, it’s practically water”. “No, just a glass of water”. “If you insist”. The colt walked away and grabbed a glass. Maybe he knows something about Trixie. The colt returned with a glass of water and set it in front of Twilight. “So what brings a beautiful filly like you to the town of nightwing?” “Well actually I’m looking for another pony, have you seen her”. “I see a lot of ponys doll, what does she look like”. “Her name is Trixie, she is an all blue filly with a light blue mane, and has a magic wand as a cutie mark” the colt was silent for a while and then made wide eyes before speaking again. “Oh yea I saw her a week ago, she came in looking like she got bum rushed out of a town”. A sudden sense of shame went over twilight as she heard that. “She sat down for a drink, then she got really drunk, and passed out. The next day she paid for the drinks and left, said something about heading to red fang hallow to find work.” “can you tell me what direction that is” “ yea you just go straight through the town and keep going, it’s a straight away to the town from here.” “Thank you, also can I trouble you for a room.” “No problem, 20 pieces and you get the place for 24 hours.” “Thank you so much.” Twilight finished her drink and went to bed.

The next day she left about noon and headed to blood fang hallow, the place sounded familiar to her but she just brushed it off her mind as nothing. After several hours she saw a town in the sunset. It was big and bustling with activity. She looked through the town for a place that may have Trixie. She came across a bar called the pink flake “interesting name for a bar” twilight thought out loud. She entered to be hit with the kind of music found in a clop video and deep purple lights. She saw fillies in very revealing outfits dancing on pools and on colts. Oh my god, this is a strip club. She blushed at the thought of being in a place like this. She saw the bar and went to it as fast as she could. She saw another filly at the bar. She was pink with a red main and had a cigar in her mouth “what’ll it be doll.” “I’m looking for a pony, she is all blue and has a-” “you mean Trixie, yea she was a sweet dancer, she came in here for a drink and decided to stay and work here. I told her she had real talent and she didn’t need to waste time here. So she got all her money and went on a train to las haygess.” “How much would that cost?” “About 270 pieces.” Twilights jaw dropped “I don’t have that kind of money.” She started walking off defeated when a colt walked up to her “excuse me but what’s a beautiful girl like you doing in a place like this.” “Oh, hi. Just looking for something.” “Well I’m looking for something to.” “What’s that?” “A Good time, how much for a party.” Twilight looked both confused and angry. “Excuse me?” “Come on, how much for a night of sex.” Twilight was about to yell her face off, but then she got an idea to get the money to get to hayges. “Well how much do you have on you” “about 300 pieces” “then follow me big boy”

Twilight and the colt were in a hotel room together. “Lay down on the bed big guy” “whatever you say” the colt laid down on the bed. Twilight used her magic to strap the colt down and put a blindfold on him “hay, what are you doing” “no peaking” she said in her most sexy voice “oh, ok just be gentle.” The colt laid there with a big grin on his face. Twilight took all the money out of his bag and quietly left the room. She went to the train station and arrived just in time to catch a train “one ticket to las hayges please” “that’ll be 250 pieces.” Twilight brought out the gold coins and handed them to the teller. The teller handed her a ticket. She went on the train and laid on one of the train beds. She had a big grin on her face because she know that in a couple of hours she would be with the love of her life.