• Published 16th Mar 2013
  • 664 Views, 4 Comments

Nox Invictus - Darkwing Dash

The road to redemption is not an easy one. And few can walk it. As Luna returns to this world after being banished for a thousand years, she realizes that the fight to return home hasn't ended and the fight for her soul has just begun.

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Unconquerable Soul

The very ground she stood on fractured and fell away like shards of glass. The demons that threatened her spun away, howling and shrieking their confusion. The sky above, with its sinister moon, wavered and dissolved. She hurtled through blackness, not knowing if she was falling down or up or sideways. Gravity had no orientation, time had no meaning. Then as suddenly as it had ended, reality began again, only this time, it was a reality she had longed for and dreamed about for countless years.

She was falling through a sky filled with the glimmer of countless stars, a world devoid of demons and brimming with life. As she spread out her wings to slow her descent, Luna felt a strength return to her that she had not felt since before she was imprisoned. Yet as her strength returned, she felt a loss of power that she could not explain. Her magic still worked, as did her wings, but something felt missing, felt off about her and she still did not know how she had ended up in the Shadow World in the first place.

As she glided safely to the ground, she took in every sight, every sound of the world that she had missed. The abrupt change from the world of nightmares to the living realm felt so surreal. She looked around to try and pinpoint where she was. She could see a town in the distance, a town that certainly hadn't been there the last time she was in Equestria, but then again, she had no idea how long she had actually been gone.

She looked around, and instantly recognized the forest behind her. The forest was known by many names, but the one she knew it as was the Forest Sovereign. Nopony ruled over this forest and it had a mind, and a will, of its own. Animals were their own masters and the weather needed no assistance. Brave was the pony who entered that forest, and few were the ponies who returned. Yet Luna knew, with a knowledge that she couldn’t explain, that the answers to her mystery lay within it.

She soon found a trail and went onwards, propelled by a strange compulsion. She trotted through the forest, until she came to a clearing with a shadowy figure standing in the center. As she approached cautiously, the figure gave a low chuckle.

"Well, well, well," It said. "I always knew you were still around there somewhere, running around in the corners of my mind. It used to be the other way around, but the shoe's on the other hoof now, isn't it?" The figure stepped forward to reveal a mare with a shadowy mane just like Luna's, dressed head to hoof in dark blue armor that covered her pitch black coat.

"Who are you?" Princess Luna asked.

"I am Nightmare Moon!" the pony declared, lightning flashing behind her. "And I am in control now!"

"I don't understand," said Luna, confused. "In control of what? And where did you come from?"

"Ha!" the mare scoffed. "As if you don't know. Hiding from the truth won't make it any less real."

Luna tried to think back, tried to remember where she might have come across such a vile pony. She couldn’t think of anything. There was a span of a few months of memories before her imprisonment that were completely blank. She supposed that this must have something to do with it.

"I honestly have no idea what you are talking about. None of this makes any sense," said Luna.

Nightmare Moon looked at her steadily for a long moment, and then laughed sinisterly. " I see now, you're even more pathetic than I'd thought. You've repressed your memories. I suppose they were too traumatizing for a weakling like you. What a baby. Well, I do so love an unbearable truth, so please, allow me."

A beam lanced from Nightmare's horn and struck Luna in the head. Instantly, a flood of memories came back to her, and none of them were pleasant. She remembered the bitterness, the loneliness and the envy that had engulfed her before. She remembered the mysterious face of a stallion and the name Tenebris. But most of all, she remembered the hurt and betrayed look on her sister Celestia's face when Luna had refused to relinquish the skies to her sister. The thought of that look, so filled with sadness, disappointment and pure pain, was enough to bring Luna to tears.

"Aw, look. How touching," said Nightmare Moon, her voice dripping with sarcasm. "I think I'll leave you here to wallow in your self-pity."

"Wait!" said Luna. "Something is still missing. I remember keeping the moon up and not letting Celestia raise the sun, but I still have no idea where you fit into all of this."

"Well, that really is a mystery," said Nightmare Moon, unconcerned. "It must have been an especially horrible memory for you if you've repressed that well. It will probably come back to you at some point. Believe me, if I could give you back that memory, I would." Luna looked into those cold, malicious eyes, and didn't doubt that she meant it.

"Now stand aside, you insignificant little phantom, before I blast you out of my way. I've had ENOUGH of being stuck in the moon and stuck in your head. It's my turn to be the queen now and nopony is going to stop me! The night will last forever!" Nightmare roared and she charged forward.

"That will never happen!" said Luna, moving to block the path. "I would die before I let you seize the throne!”

Nightmare Moon merely laughed and walked right through Luna. Luna's form shimmered and wavered and she felt nauseous "You may as well be dead for all the physical impact you have on this world," she scoffed. "Your body is little better than a ghost and your magic pales in comparison to mine. Nopony can even see or hear you. I can think of no better torment than letting you watch, helpless and unable to do anything, as the precious world you love so dearly crumbles around you. Now I'd best be off. I have a kingdom to rule."

With these words and an evil laugh, Nightmare Moon hurtled into the sky, leaving the clearing far behind. Luna stood there, stunned, still coming to terms with all that she had learned. Despair and a sense of hopelessness threatened to overwhelm her, but she steeled her resolve. She hadn't run from demons and kept herself alive all those years just to give up now. She felt that strange feeling calling her back into the forest and she followed it, hoping the answers to her problems would reveal themselves. As she walked, memories of the past flooded in on her.

Luna flew down from the sky, her wings flapping wearily as dawn broke over the edge of the Forest Sovereign. She sighed resignedly as she descended, looking up at the sky that was rapidly growing lighter. She prepared to head back to the castle, where no doubt life was just beginning to stir, totally unaware of the work of art that was now swiftly fading from the skies overhead.

As she hovered lower over the forest, she spotted some movement near the edge. Curious, she drifted closer, just in time to see a figure turn and begin to move through the trees.

“Wait,” Luna called out. “What are you doing out here at such a late hour?”

“Oh,” said the stallion, ”I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to disturb you.” He looked rather uncomfortable.

“I assure you, it is no disturbance,” replied Luna. “We merely wished to know what business you might have in these parts.”

The stallion looked around abashedly. “Well, actually, I just came out here to admire the beautiful night you made. It’s my favorite time of the day, and I always come out to see it. The other ponies call me silly, but that’s their loss.”

Inwardly, Luna smiled, pleased to meet someone who actually appreciated her hard work. Something of her happiness must have shown on her face, because the stallion smiled and said, “I’m glad to have gotten a chance to thank you for your work. It really is breathtaking, and so much better than that boring old day your sister sets up.” Realizing just what he had said, his eyes widened and he ducked his head, blushing. “My apologies, I meant no offence.”

“It is of no consequence,” she replied stiffly. “We shall overlook it this once.” Inside, she felt far less offended than she pretended to be. Celestia had crowds of adoring fans. Luna would allow herself this one. "May we ask what your name is?"

The stallion smiled a confident smile. "My name is Tenebris."