• Published 8th Mar 2013
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Wars of Equestria- The Wrath of the Nightmare King - Arthuran

This is a historical lore story of an ancient demon/dragon hybrid who over shadows a young prince named Arthuran Menathias and transforms him into who we know as "The Nightmare King"

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Chapter 1: Azmod'el -The First Nightmare King

Chapter 1
The Past of Azmod'el

Many centuries ago, a terrible war rose across Equestria, and the cause of this war, was the hybrid demon/dragon...Azmod'el, many ponies called him ''The Necromancer". He was cunning, dangerous and cared less about the mortals about. The story goes it that when the kingdoms were being built, Celestia and her sister, Luna wanted a way to contain all things evil in one significant body(this was many centuries before the war). So they took the offspring of both a dragon and a demon and fused it together, it was a very delicate and dangerous process. For the final preparations, Luna crafted a stone that housed all the evil of the world, Celestia and Luna cast a beam of dark energy into the stone and fuse it into the creature. At first the creature went beserk from all the evil but then all of a sudden, it ceased and spoke to them saying, "They whisper to me...they give me knowledge and strength". Luna saw this as a threat and was ready to seal him into the bottomless pit, but Celestia stopped her sister and said that maybe we can control this creature, Luna argued that she was making a mistake, but since she's the younger one she can't make all the high ranked decisions. So Celestia teaches the creature to basically be her right hand dragon, Luna always kept a close eye on him.

As the years past, Azmod'el became a high ranked creature of Celestia's kingdom, but with all that power, pride began to seek into him. One of his best known traits was Necromancy, or rising the dead at will, he has made some monstrous abominations and Luna keeped trying to tell her sister that this is going to far, but Celestia just waved her head and said nothing. Luna was pissed and decided to take matters into her own hands, but when she went to his lair, she only say darkness and decay all around, she damn knew that this creature was trouble. She decended deeper and reached the creature and said to him,
" You've gone far enough Azmod'el, you may fool my sister but you have never fooled me!!"
"Azmod'el looks back with a grin, " Ah yes the pesky little runt who always bothers me, are you going to go cry to your sister because I get more attention then you?"

Luna smirks at him and says,

''I don't need my big sister to do all the work, I'm perfectly capable of doing it myself." She grabs him and summons shadow chains and seals him in, but the the creature just breaks free and flies out of his hole and Luna chases after him and basically is trying to kill him. Azmod'el flies outside but then Luna dashes into him and smashes him through the roof of Celestia's chamber, smashed a few guards but that didn't stop Azmod'el there, he kicked her off and says to her,

he resurrects the dead guards and fuses them into abominations, they grew two horns that looked more like bones spikes then anything, and their wings turned into bat/dragon like wings and their eyes began to glow. As Azmod'el as about to attack Luna, Celestia walks in to discover what her "creation" turned into, Luna looks at her sister with a "took you long enough but boy am I glad your here" look. Azmod'el looks at the both of them and sends his undead creations to attack them, Luna slices them into two's and Celestia zap Azmod'el in Sun Chains and they send him into a prison phase. Luna and Celestia take him to the icy continent of Tau Vanentias and cast him into the smoldering mountain of Aramount Crater hopefully to never be seen again( Aramount Crater was a mountain that was destroyed by a comet and to this day fire, snow and ash cover the wastelands).

As the centuries past, the land seemed more peaceful since the creature was locked away in Aramount Crater. Over the years, both Celestia and Luna founded the kingdom of Lodra'thial, a kingdom guilded with the power of Holy Light, and the dawn of the very first kind of pony, the Paladians(their wings were made of pure light as if it were the beams of the sun, and their faces were always covered by a dark shadow like the night and most of them always floated). Celestia and Luna made Terenath'il Menathias the king. Terenath'il was one of Celestia's highest ranked generals, but he was the wisest and most noblest pony of all the land, he cared very little about himself and put others before himself. Celestia and Luna had a plan for the royal bloodline, their plan was if one of them was to be killed, one of the offspring would take their place or if both died or lost their power, it would be granted onto the noblest son.

2,000 years pass and the thoughts and memories of Azmod'el were thought of as child stories. But deep within Tau Vanentias's highest mountain, revenge and hatred dwell up from out of the mountain, and this creature...once just a combination now nothing more then the corrupted growth of evil. Azmod'el bursts forth from the mountain and his first act was to raise the dead that once inhabited the continent(many centuries ago, a war between Celestia and Luna's Ponies and the Demons that rose across the continent, the legend goes is that when the war ended, the hatred and bitterness between both sides grew so great even in death that the continent was consumed by a never ending blizzard freezing the continent for all eternity), he smiles and casts his hand over the land and you can see the heads burst forth from the ground as abominations. But of all of these, there were selected ponies that were granted a second life, Azmod'el called them NecroCores. These ponies were granted with the power of undeath and destruction, but they were brainwashed into thinking that the wicked ponies were the ones of the light and they were responsible for their deaths so many years ago. So Azmod'el and his Necrocores and Demons wait for the time to strike the other land masses, waiting for a great blizzard to engudge the world to bring forth an ice bridge to conect them to the continents of Equestria.

As a millenium passes by, Luna looks over the land with discomfort, she feels that in her mind that Azmod'el romes once more. Her sister tells her to not worry and focus on the mortal ponies. By this time, Alicores were very common but a lot of them were divided as four different pony races which are earthpony, pegasi, unicorn, and Zebra(which we'll talk about later in the next chapter). Dispite all of the hard times the mortal ponies grew into a mini civil war. Pegasi forced both earthpony and unicorn to weave up food, but the unicorn grew apart and started their own kingdom from the earthponys. With all the hatred building up, lurcking within the frozen continent, a hungry chill of death crosses the whole world from the continent indwelling everthing it touches and causing grief and misery to all the ponies who live within it's path. Deep within the frozen continent, Azmod'el after centuries of waiting finally gets a glimpse of his army ready to make war on the world, he speaks to his fellow servants and says,
" brothers and sisters, our time to rule comes close, we have waited for so long, but that time grows short, the fellow mortals have grown weiry of each other and as for that, they help create our bridge to power!!!"Many of the NecroCores and Demons cheer but Azmod'el tells them to settle down and he continues with his speech and says, "In a matter of days, we sha'll mach and take what is rightfully OURS and the two rulers Celestia and Luna shall fall and we will drink THE BLOOD OF OUR FOES!!! They all cheer and Azmod'el smiles wickedly and laughs raising his hands and they just cheer even more saying, Long live our dark master like a montra. Back with Luna, she senses that Azmod'el is recruiting demons and creating an army of undead, she roams out to try to help the fellow ponies unit together, but they are all as suborn as an ox and will not listen, and the lands begin to harden which means it wont be long till Azmod'el and his forces pour over the lands of Equestria and slay every known living thing. Luna knows her sister is too busy to interfer with the mortal ponies so she calls three leaders from three fifferent tribes to meet up and unit them and end this hatred towards one another

The three tribes got her message and they saddled up and headed out to meet Luna. Azmod'el felt that Luna was trying to unit the ponies, and sends his icey spirits of hatred to trap them within a cave and freeze them to death, which will give him more time if he succeeds. The ponies of the three tribes argued with one another and nearly froze them, only 3 other ponies managed to keepthemselves from becoming icicles. They chatted with one another, sang songs of the old days, and told stories and the hatred began to die down. Azmod'el was pissed as hell, as the ponies reunited with luna they agreed to settle together in peace and the land began to thaw and the mighty ice bridge that was forming shattered keeping Azmod'els forces back. Luna looked over the land and smiled, she knew she gave the world more time and united many ponies together. Now the only thing she fears is for how long can Azmod'el and his forces be keeped in isolation and thinks what if he can send in spies to expose her plans to keep the world safe, she hopes she can convince her sister to take on more responsibility and lead these ponies to glory and not focus on the paladian and alicores so much. She looks about in discontent and walks into her chambers to sleep.