• Published 23rd Feb 2013
  • 732 Views, 1 Comments

Season 3 Wrap-up - fic Write Off

Writefriends from all over /fic/ gathered in a war of words on the weekend of Feb 17. These are the resulting stories.

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Ready or Not, Here I Come


While our kind possesses many names, that is the most common amongst them. It is the label lesser breeds use to describe us, and one we have allowed to serve as our title so that they might be able to understand us in some small form. Yet little do they realize how small a description that truly is.

“Noble horn” indeed; only a small portion of our kind truly fit that moniker when “noble” can be such a confusingly broad term at times.

Oh, there is no doubt that we are quite majestic creatures, and rightfully deserving of our place as the rulers of this planet. Not even the dragons could ever imagine themselves, vain and silly creatures that they are, to be our betters.

And yet my thoughts of a new world somehow did not please my brothers or sisters. Like flies do both the Order and Celestia cling to this world, desperate to stop its eventual downfall. The Elementals saw nothing but their own domains being threatened by my plans, the selfish sloths, while the less said about Celestia and her ilk, the better.

Oh, Celestia. Even the Order could admit that you are falling into dangerous behaviors and habits, and yet I am the one who must be set beneath your muddy shoes. A “noble horn” who reduces herself to the common politics of the lower breeds. “Princess” you lets them call you, though none above your rule really exist to the mindless herd you have chosen to oversee.

How dare they allow me to fall before such a despicable mud-swimmer. You and your sister, the two of you competing for the attentions of insects like the mere children of the lessers and all the while not seeing the truth of what must be done.

“Insane” you all called my plans. “Evil and despicable” you assumed of my goals. The same thing you and the Order called both myself and my true siblings when we made a declaration of our intent at the Convene, and, somehow, the Order chose your side to listen to when a decision had to be made.

However, we serve a purpose as well, and even Knell could admit that I had a point, even though my side he could not take when the war began because of the restrictions of his duties. A pity. Of all the Order, he was my favorite besides Deceit.

The rest of you refused to listen to reason. However, when one is gifted with Sight, it must be used. I know Omega must someday be unleashed so that a new generation may be born, and yet the Order refused to admit that their time had passed. They refused to believe that a new world would have a place for our kind, nor that what I had to do was important enough to risk jeopardizing their assured rule in the present. They had grown arrogant and soft in the blink of an eye, giving in to the vices of complacency those such as yourself shoved down its throat.

Only my vision was clear, my ability to act unclouded by you and your sister’s honeyed words, Celestia. As bearer of the Sight, I alone must look to the future and remove myself from such ridiculous things as politics of the present. Which I gladly did, much to your apparent displeasure.

But it was destined that Omega be released from his long sleep and set upon the world once again. The present had to be erased, if the future that will someday be called the fifth age is to begin. So why did you have to make things difficult for me, Celestia?

Though, I will be the first to admit that the Shadow War was fun while it lasted. It was quite amusing to watch you and Luna try to stop us from finding Omega’s hiding place, al the while attempting to make sure your precious populace was kept from knowing the true extent of our influence.

So many matches between us, each with our toys and pawns to place upon the board of the world, and so very, very many different games to play with them all.

I really loved finding Sombra all those years ago; he was a stroke of genius. Him taking the Crystal Empire from play was one of the few times I think I truly felt giddy. Malice and Dread were even caught up in my excitement when we visited the empty hole Sombra had left behind, and I almost had to dance upon the empty ground. And, while he did not succeed quite as well on the second go, I did almost have you with that ridiculous trinket that you had one of your mages create during the war.

Do you remember it? The ridiculous little amulet which was supposed to boost your own soldiers? However, while it gave them the strength to fight me, it also drove them quite mad. Quite delightfully mad really, and I owe a great deal of the numbers in my forces to that one little incident at Moon River. So, your failure evident, you had them quickly destroyed, before they could swell my ranks any faster than they already had.

All except one, of course. I did not like the name it had been given, for it is but a mere mockery of our power. However, I will admit it was too good of a screw-up to let you dispose of entirely. Why, it was almost artistically despicable and—if I could not use it to seal your fate through ironic destruction—it was something I could use easily to reduce your own standing with the Order. Maybe even enough that they would finally see that I was in the right, and assist me in your removal.

While I did not expect it to be lost during Moon River all those years ago, and you kept me from finding a suitable host for its madness and corruption because of it, I was very pleased to feel that old, familiar thrum once again. The newest host might have been too weak, stupid and childish to have properly borne it to your decimation, but I imagine it taught you something about why you cannot keep me at bay forever; I do not need to walk the world to have an effect upon it.

After all, one merely needs look at how your own sister turned upon you, which was one of my most enjoyable sensations while I have been down here. The tearing of this world’s fabric—when Luna finally saw you for the hypocrite and hidden evil you were because of the horrors and necessities of the Shadow War—was almost delicious. Though I could not be there physically, the sensation of your two’s chaos was too delightful to miss. You defeating her was a disappointment the first time, but I should have expected no better from the moon, which is but a mere reflection of the sun. A pity, but in the end, it should have been expected. It was certainly a little more shocking the second time. I would have thought she would learn from a past mistake, but I suppose being defeated by children should be expected of your blood.

We both know you cannot completely eliminate the dark, neither in the world nor within her. You are simply too soft about trying to eradicate it to ever even come close to being somewhat effective. Just look at yourself, constantly fighting foes which you had supposedly defeated all so very long ago, all because you lacked the conviction to finish the job.

And while Discord’s turning was… admittedly unexpected—I am truly surprised at how you managed to bring such a creature to heel—I think, if anything, it should further warn the Order of how far you have fallen from our calling. You allied yourself with the very creature you were meant to overcome, and that my siblings and I had to replace when you somehow succeeded in doing so. As long as you continue to take no definitive actions, we will keep returning and you will have no one but yourself to blame in the end. One who does not make sure a foe is gone should not be surprised when they eventually return.

So, here I am, Celestia: trapped within my own temporary prison, much like Discord or Sombra or your own sister before me, and awaiting my chance upon the stage you have refused to wipe clean. A thousand years may have passed since last I took in the sun, or watched the evening stars, but I am quite excited at the thought of meeting you once again.

You and Luna may have won the Shadow War, but you cannot deny destiny forever. I will win, Omega will be awakened, and the world will tremble as it is remade in preparation for the fifth age. While it may be a millennium behind schedule, that is but a drop in the ocean for one of my–

Well, well how interesting. This is a strain upon the fabrics that I do not recognize yet. A new alicorn has been made? This I simply must see.

Oh give it up, Celestia; you cannot shield her from us. Though you may be strong, all the Order will know of her eventually and, though I am limited in where I may go for this brief moment of time, you certainly cannot keep her presence invisible upon the threads of the universe. We always know, Celestia, and myself especially, so stop delaying the inevitable.

Stubborn as always, I see. I would be disappointed if you had not made this a challenge. So let me see what it is you are…

What?! A child?! You have made some lesser’s child into one of us?! How dare you! The Order should see to it that you never raise the sun again, you senile, disgusting old bat!

When I’m free again, I will…

Oh no. Oh, no, you have not fooled me; I see what you are doing, you wickedly clever girl, you. However, your scheme uncovered, I must ask: do you really believe upsetting the balance like this will stop me? That it will somehow keep my return insignificant and doom me to failure like all the rest of your low-end rogues?

Arrogant foal, you have already forgotten what true balance is. You cannot think that simply adding some mere infant to your ranks of puppets would stop an encroaching, unshakable doom. No, for you see, then the world would fall from balance. And even the Order knows that an unbalanced world descends rapidly into a chaos and self-destruction from which there would be no true recovery. This, they would never allow.

You can never bring those of lesser nature into our fold, for we are older than they, possessing both the knowledge and wisdom of centuries. How can you presume to add to our ranks without permission from the Order? Why did you not call a Convene before making such a brash decision?

Because you knew they would say no, that is why. Not in a million years would they have allowed such madness, and you would have been placed down in the deepest confines of the earth alongside myself and my siblings—in utter disgrace—had you presumed to ridicule the Order with such a blatant insult to our kind.

Congratulations, Celestia. I hope this child’s short time as one of us shall be worth the indignation of the Order when you are finally found out. So let these children take their places upon your empty thrones and spew forth their deranged ramblings of your wisdom. You have not stopped me, Celestia, and I will not be denied forever.

My only regret is that I might yet be denied a part in stripping you not only of your title and rank, but those of your sister, your half-sister, and this new abomination you have foisted upon the balance of the world. Though, maybe—just maybe—she will be useful to me someday.

Tell this “Twilight Sparkle” that Nexus is looking forward to meeting her. Very, very soon.