• Published 26th Jan 2013
  • 1,064 Views, 11 Comments

A Royal Outing - Mod On Death

Luna and Celestia have finally gotten some time off of their busy schedule and are planning to spend the day together in Canterlot. Donning they're disguises, they head off together on a journey not just through the city, but through their heart

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A New Day

A New Day

“This is going to be a wonderful day,” Luna thought to herself as she looked up at the dark sky. It was early morning and the sun hadn't risen yet. She always enjoyed this small portion of the day. Her job for the night was finished and the Sister of the Sun would soon have her role to fulfill in the cosmic circle of life. Today she was particularly happy because the two of them would finally be hanging out and catching up with each other after those many years spent apart from each other.

Luna checked her hoofwatch and noted that the sun should have risen two minutes ago. It was always important to keep the rise of sun and moon in sync lest nature fall into chaos. “Oh please don’t tell me that this happened again.” With a sigh, she resigned herself to check out Celestia’s room and find what the delay in time was.

As the Lunar Princess walked through the castle’s hallways the guards all saluted her as she passed. Upon reaching the large doors that led into the Royal Bedroom she was approached by the two common guards she always saw there. “Hello there Garrison and Arbiter. Would you mind opening the doors for me? I fear my presence is required in my sister’s room.” Silently the two noble stallions grappled the large doors with their teeth and pulled them open.

Upon entering the chamber Luna noticed how simple the room was compared to the rest of the castle. Most of the other rooms were gilded with tall ceilings and shining floors that reflected almost like a mirror, complemented by marvelous carpets and closets full of clothing. Celestia’s room was the equivalence of a young mare’s room, save for the fireplace and large bed, also the cage containing a rare phoenix respectively. She didn't even have a closet of even a private bathroom and would use the common bathrooms like everypony else. Luna always thought that this was her sister’s small attempt at normalcy in her long and luxurious life. Upon the large bed she saw a lump huddled under the sheets and knew that the great cosmic circle of events were about to unfold once again as they did every now and again with her attempting to wake the slumbering Sun Princess.

“Sister, it is time for you to perform your royal duty and raise the sun so that the new day can commence,” said Luna in a calm, soothing voice. This was met by no reaction whatsoever. “Celestia, it’s time for you to wake up and do your job,” she now said in her normal tone. This time the reaction was a ruffle in the sheets followed by inaudible mumbling. “Celestia, wake up! It’s time for you to do your duty!” she now said agitated at how common all of this was nearly every morning nowadays. Celestia, the Great Princess whom had ruled over the land of Equestria wisely for over a thousand years, responded to her sister by giggling and repeating the word “duty” while under her sheets. “CELESTIA! THOU HAST INFURIATED US BY THINE IMPUTENCE AND MIRTHFUL ATTITUDE TOWARDS THOU ROYAL RESPONSIBILITIES! MOVE THY ROYAL PLOT!” Luna said while invoking the Royal Canterlot Voice. What happened next she did not expect.

“THOU USE THY OWN TONGUE AGAINST US?! THOU FORGET THAT THE ROYAL CANTERLOT VOICE WORKS BOTH WAYS, ALLOWING US TO USE IT AGAINST THEE! HOW WOULD THOU ENJOY OUR VOICE BEING BELLOWED INTO THINE ROYAL EARS WHILE YOU TRY TO SLEEP?! YADA YADA YADA YE IN VERILY AND ALL!” retorted Celestia, whom quickly fell back to her bed, eyes barely open. Luna had been shocked by seeing her sister use the Royal Canterlot Voice at her, seeing as it had been so long since she’d seen it used by anypony but her. She realized that that’s why people had been afraid of her before while she attempted to fix her mane which had been blown out of place by the force of the Voice.

“Oh, Luna! I’m so sorry! I didn't realize that it was you! I thought I was having another one of my dreams where a shrieking harpy comes into my room and attempts ruin my sleep with her shrill nagging! I’ve been having that dream a lot and must have woken up in the middle of it.” Luna honestly had no idea how to respond to her sister's statement. Did Celestia not know that her own sister had been waking her up almost every morning ever since her return from the moon? Also, did her sister just call her a shrieking harpy? Obviously this was not the best way to start the day with her sister, but that wouldn’t keep Luna down. She was determined that this would be the best day ever with her big sis.

In a matter of moments Celestia had raised the sun and even set it according to when it should have been up in the first place so everything would be in sync. She got washed up, on put on her royal apparel, and cantered off to the main hall with a smile on her face to eat breakfast with her sister. She was excited about today as Luna was. She hadn't had much time to reconnect with her sister since her return from exile with all the responsibilities of being royalty keeping her from having much time to herself. Whenever she did manage to find time for herself though, then it would appear that Luna had responsibilities and could not make time for her. It was a cycle of completing work just in time for the other pony to be too busy. Today that cycle would be broken however. Bother sisters had completed all royal duties with haste and delegated others to take care of any matters during their absence. Today the two sisters would finally be able to hang out and reconnect with each other.

“So Luna, what plans did you have in mind for today? I feel like you should be the one to choose what we do since you’re the younger sister,” Celestia said while calmly slicing up an orange with her magic.

“Oh no. I couldn’t possibly take on the role of day planner sister. After all, you’ve lived in Canterlot longer than I have. You know more about the locale than I do, so you should have the honor of selecting where we go,” Luna replied while buttering her toast.

“While that is true, I feel like this would be a great opportunity for you to check around the city and become further acquainted with our subjects.”

“Remember Celestia that today is supposed to be about us being together, not constantly fretting about our subjects and their opinions,” Luna replied, now buttering her bread with an increased pace.

“I know that, but it never hurts to try to help out your reputation. So where’d you like to go?” she responded, cutting the orange into smaller and smaller bits now with the knife in the same way you dice fruit.

“I want you to choose,” was all Luna said.

“No, you.”

“No, you!”


They went back and forth until both the princesses looked at their plates and saw the mess they had made. Luna had buttered her bread so much and quickly that the piece of toast had been shredded into crumbs. Celestia’s orange had been diced to the point that it was orange juice now. Staring at the mess, they just laughed at how their fighting always seemed to make whatever room they were in just a bit more messy than when they entered.

“Let’s be honest,” Celestia was the first to say after laughing, “none of us actually has a plan for what we’ll be doing today, do we?”

“No,” the younger sibling responded, looking glum. With all the excitement she had forgotten to actually get anything ready for the day. The same thing had apparently happened with Celestia as well. “I was hoping that I’d be able to convince you to choose some place before you realized my mistake.”

“I was doing the exact same thing!” the Solar Princess chuckled at this and a smile appeared on Lunar Princess's face, letting her know that it was alright. “Let’s look on the bright side! Now we don’t need to stick to any regular schedule!” Both of them cheered at the prospect of being freed from the restrictive bonds of planning their day. As princesses they spent most of their time conforming to schedules and never having the freedom of choosing their next event. It looked as if this mistake would turn out to be a blessing in disguise for them. This was going to be a good day.

Author's Note:

Welcome to the first chapter of my second ever story! Hopefully the first chapter piqued your interests and you can't wait to read Chapter 2. Don't wait too long for our next installment, "Little Cafe of Awkwardness"!