• Published 19th Jan 2013
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My First New Year's Alone - fic Write Off

Belated upload of contest fics

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First and Last

January 1st, 1006 PRL

Dear Princess Celestia,

Happy New Year! You should have seen the party last night in Ponyville. Pinkie had the entire town covered in decorations, and there were more sweets than I had seen in my entire life. She even had fireworks! (And they were great!) Too bad Spike had to miss it; he would have had a heart attack with all the available cakes and cookies. I had a lot of fun, but it still nagged at me all night that he wasn’t there. This is the first time we haven’t spent celebrated the New Year together in a decade. Still…
Even when I returned home, half the town was still out celebrating. Was hard to get to sleep but let the ponies have their fun.
With Spike gone on his “journey” or whatever he calls it now, mailing my friendship reports seems to be the only other option I have. This seemed important for Spike, and I had to let him go, even if it fails miserably. But, knowing how the mail system is usually “run,” I’m afraid my reports will be lost in the system or delayed! Never let it be said that Twilight Sparkle is lazy! I’ll make sure they’re sent, one way or the other. You can count on me. I’m still sorry for any inconvenience this will cause, Princess!
In other news, the meteor storm I’ve been tracking seems to still be on course and will run by Equestria sometime in the next month. I’m so excited, Princess! I can’t wait! Maybe if one lands near Ponyville, I’ll be able to finish up my study and forward you the findings. Even thinking about it has me shaking in anticipation. It’s going to be a great month!

P.S Spike says “hi.”

P.P.S Tell Cadance and Shining Armor “Hi,” for me as well!

Your Faithful Student,
Twilight Sparkle

January 10th, 1006 PRL

Sorry it’s taken my so long to write this letter, Spike, but things have really been piling up around the Library. I had a whole new shipment of Astrology books come in to help me with the upcoming meteor shower. It’s a shame you won’t be there to see it with me. The rest of the gang send their best wishes to you, but it’s nowhere near mine. Pinkie did make it clear that if you’re not back by the next big party, she’s going to personally track you down and drag you home (I think she’s sad you didn’t get to eat any of the things she cooked!). It’s lonely around the library, Spike, and it’ll be nice when you’re back. This isn’t trying to guilt you into abandoning your trip and coming home. This is a thing dragons do. They like to explore, and you’ve grown enough to have more independence in your life! Oh, I hope none of your dragon friends are reading this! I don’t mean to embarrass you!
Enough about me, how are you doing? Tell me about your interesting adventures. Surely you have flown over something worthwhile (and scientific!) in the few weeks you’ve been gone?

P.S Pinkie had “forced” me to include some cookies with the letter. They might be a bit stale, but that’s never stopped you before, right?

P.P.S – We all miss you a lot, Spike!

Your Best Friend,
Twilight Sparkle

January 16th, 1006 PRL


The cookies were awesome! Send my thanks to Pinkie, and tell her that I will be home before the year is out. Tell the others everything is cool and I’m having tons of fun as well!

Did I tell you that flying was scary? Still haven’t gotten used to everything being so small. I know why Rainbow Dash feels so strongly about it now. It’s rad being able to write while flying (Don’t be jealous, it makes the letters all sloppy. Don’t worry, either, it’s not that sloppy).

You should see the all dragons, Twilight. There’s hundreds of them! All different shapes, colors and sizes. We’re almost like ponies with how unique we can look. (Dragons are way cooler!)

We had a pretty big flight over the northern mountains a few days back. Even got to see a glimpse of the Crystal Empire but it fell behind us pretty fast. I’m sorry there’s not much else to tell you, but I’ve been hanging out with the other dragons and trying to make friends.

I’ll write you soon to tell you about them, though Daggerclaw begs Pinkie to send more cookies. Yes, Twilight, I did share them. It was difficult I’m growing up, you see?

Your Best Assistant,
Spike-Wikey Spike

February 2nd, 1006 PRL

Dear Princess Celestia,

I hope my last few letters have reached you safely. We managed to clean up the mess the manticore made near Fluttershy’s cottage. Fluttershy’s still incredibly embarrassed about what happened. Apparently there are some manticores that can resist her animal instincts. At least she managed to stop it before it got into town. I’d never seen Fluttershy berate an animal so hard. Poor thing; rampage of destruction it might be, but no one deserves the stare Fluttershy gave it. Thinking about it gives me goosebumps.
Anyways, the meteor storm is on the Horizon, and flying closer to Equestria than I initially thought. We should all be able to watch them from the hills on the outskirts of Ponyville. I know you’re really busy, Princess, but would it be too much to ask that maybe you would like to come and watch the storm with us? We would be able to share notes! I understand if you can’t, but I thought that I would ask anyways.

You asked about Spike in your last letter and I have to say that he is getting along fine if his writing is any indication. Pinkie still sends him more cookies (she makes more and more each time) and I swear that every dragon Spike hangs with is going to be too stuffed to fly. He’s made a lot of friends, and apparently they’re flying across the ocean to the dragon homeland. A lot of gems as well, he says.

Sorry to cut the letter short, Princess, but I’ve got to get the telescopes ready for tomorrow. It’s going to be so great!

Your Faithful Student,
Twilight Sparkle.

February 3rd, 1006 PRL


The meteor storm should be here tonight. I’ve dated this letter in advance in case it arrives early. It should be visible around nine o’clock tonight. Be careful when flying, those meteors are closer to Equestria than I thought they would be. I’m trying not to be worried, but as great as dragons are, a unicorn’s protective shield is better (in my opinion!) so just take it safe. Looking forward to see you home again. Really is lonely with you gone and I think Pinkie spends every free moment baking cookies. She thinks that eventually she’ll create one so delicious, you’ll want to come home. Hehe!

Your Best Friend,
Twilight Sparkle

February 3rd, 1006 PRL

Dear Princess Celestia,

There’s so much noise and commotion! The town hall is on fire, I think. One of the meteors smacked directly into it. Several other buildings got struck as well. The fireponies are doing what they can, and they seem to have the fires under control, but everyone is rushing around and trying to find their friends. I’m so sorry, Princess, I should have predicted this!

I hope Spike’s okay…

Your Faithful Student,
Twilight Sparkle

February 6th, 1006 PRL

Dear Princess Celestia,

Sorry it’s taken three days to get this letter to you, but everyone has been helping with rebuilding the houses that were hit. Town hall got the worst of the damage, and was almost completely burned by the time the fireponies had the flames out. I swear Mayor Mare was crying, but she seems fine now. They’ve gotten the framework for the building back up, and it should be done by the end of the week. There’s no sign of the meteor that hit it, but there was a massive hole in the foundation of the building so the rock probably just obliterated itself against the ground. The other houses that were struck have all been repaired, and everypony is okay, so I think the worst is over but it was still a very bad shock all the same.

Spike’s written back to me as well. He and the other dragons were far enough away to avoid the shower, and they are all fine. Spike’s hoping to make a visit when they pass over the middle of Equestria, and I can’t wait to see him. The rest of us are okay as well, thought Rainbow Dash was a bit mad at having to reform the clouds the meteors tore through. Fluttershy’s having a hard time convincing her critters to stop hiding in the forest. They all seem to be scared, even Angel has taken off. He left a carrot for Fluttershy, which could only mean anything. Rarity’s was hoping to find some miraculous gems for her dresses but seemed disappointed when all the objects were confiscated by the agents from Canterlot. Thank you for sending them, by the way, they’ve certainly helped calm the citizens.

I know you told me not to feel guilty about this, and that I couldn’t have done anything, but I was the one tracking this storm for months, and I knew it was getting closer than what I had originally determined. I can’t control the cosmic nature of the universe, but still… I should have warned the town. The feeling will disappear when this is all over, hopefully.

Your Faithful Student,
Twilight Sparkle

P.S Could you have a sample of the meteorite send to me if it’s not dangerous. I’d appreciate the opportunity to study its composition. Plus, it will help with the astrology study!

February 24th, 1006 PRL

Dear Princess Celestia,

I hope my letters aren’t getting lost again in the mail, but I haven’t gotten a reply from you in a while. Stupid mail service! Don’t tell Derpy I said that…

I received the samples you sent me last week and I have to say that they are extraordinary. I’ve never seen anything like them, and the material they are made out of is nothing like any mineral or substance found on Equestria. This is going to take forever to completely break down, and all the corrosive elements I’ve used have had little effect on the rock. It’s almost like one big gem, but I probably shouldn’t tell Spike that! I was stuck inside my library all day looking at the thing. It was only supposed to be a half an hour study, but when I finally pried my snout away to check the time, it was late in the evening! I don’t even remember getting up to turn on the lights, or if I even ate! The girls were mad at me for missing out on their planned tea date, but they seemed to understand my excuse. Well, sort of.

Fluttershy’s managed to coax Angel home, but the rest of the animals seem to be missing save for a few chipmunks. I asked her how many she had left to look for but she just shook her head and told me, “Too many.” Pinkie’s tried to cheer her up with a party, but I’m not sure it will last that long. Pinkie herself seems to be worn out as well, and she keeps making cookies for Spike. She misses him a lot. But she was ecstatic when I told her last week that he’d be visiting on the 26th when he flies over. She has another party planned, and even I’m really excited for it. Maybe it will cheer Fluttershy up as well.

Rainbow has also been complaining about the clouds. Something in the meteor must have burned off in the atmosphere and gotten into the sky. There aren’t any health complains, but Rainbow is saying that clouds are now harder to force together, and when she gets them into the shape she wants, when she comes back they aren’t the same formation as when she left. There’s only so much I can study at the time, but this could potentially effect Winter Wrap Up in Spring.

I’ve got to get back to preparing for Spike, Princess. If you get this letter, please reply back. I’d like to hear what your scientists have found out about the meteorites.

Your Faithful Student,
Twilight Sparkle

P.S Should my sample be glowing blue in the evening?

February 26th, 1006 PRL

Dear Princess Celestia,

I yelled at Derpy the other day about the lateness with the mail, and how I haven’t gotten anything back from you in a while. She seemed confused when I brought up the dates, and mentioned something about it being forever ago she sent those letters off. Sometimes, I swear she just… ugh, never mind. I feel bad about what I did, and I tried to tell her I was sorry but she barely seemed to remember when I approached her the next day. I worry for her, sometimes.

Spike still hasn’t visited, and today should be the day he is here, but there is no sign of him. I know I shouldn’t be mad or worried, but so much today has just ticked at me. Combine that with the fact that these letters may not even be reaching you, and it’s just too much.

Every time I look at that sample, time just seems to melt away. I don’t know if that means I’m way too enthusiastic about it, or I’m just bad at managing time (which is unlikely since I made so many lists about time management) but when I finally haul myself away for something to eat, or a bathroom break, the stars are in the sky and it’s dark. I’m not tired, either, but I’m just losing focus of everything. I just need a break…

Fluttershy still hasn’t gotten her animals back, and I think she’s stopped trying. When I asked her the other day, she sighed and said it was too late and that she had come to terms with them being gone. It’s barely been a month, and I don’t know why she has given up so quick. I tried pursuing the topic further, but she got worse and I had to leave. I think I heard crying when I was outside her cottage.

Mayor Mare also seems worse. I passed her in the street and she just looks… worn out. I know I shouldn’t be judging but there were bags under her eyes and she was limping. Maybe the town isn’t doing so well with the cost of repairs, but something seems to be weighing heavily on her. I asked her what she had planned in March, and she looked at me like I was crazy. She seemed to drone in and out of the conversation as well, which annoyed me to no end.

I know it’s bad of me to say this, but I haven’t had much time to spend with Rainbow and Rarity. Pinkie has been bringing cookies over each day, and she mentioned about how the Cakes have bought way too much flour than what they needed for the month, so she used some of it to make Spike some cookies. She’s eagerly awaiting him to visit as well.

I hope Spike’s okay…

Have your Scientists found out anything useful about the meteorite? I’ve tried dropping it, melting it, freezing it and prying it apart with magic, but nothing works. It just glows and glows and glows, seemingly brighter. I’m sorry about how negative this letter sound, Princess, and hopefully next week will be better.

Your Faithful Student,
Twilight Sparkle

P.S We need another way to transport our letters, because this is the absolute last straw with the mail system. As much as Derpy is a friend, I have a duty to you to get these letters to Canterlot.

March 5th, 1006 PRL


Where are you? You were supposed to visit last week and there was no sign of you! I was really looking forward to catching up. It’s been three months since I’ve seen my best little assistant and I can’t describe how much I miss you. Letters are good… but not good enough. Speaking of which, you better not just be opening the letters for Pinkie’s cookies. It’s been a month since I got a reply from you, and I’m not trying to force you away from your friends just to write to me, but I really, really miss you and would love to hear about what you’re doing! So If you get a chance, please write!

Your Best Friend,
Twilight Sparkle

March 17th


I’m really scared and I don’t know what to do. My letters aren’t leaving Ponyville, of that I’m sure. Every time I talk to Derpy she’s not listening, or just looking at me like I’m crazy. Any mention of dates just makes her laugh. I got so fed up that I yelled at her in front of the entire post office. There was only a minute of silence, and I was sure she was going to toss me out, but her expression just vanished and she asked me what I was doing here so late. I turned around and it was dark out! It was ten in the morning when I came here!

That’s not all. I personally tried teleporting to Canterlot, but it wouldn’t work. I appeared at the boundaries of Ponyville, and each consecutive teleport, regardless of how far I intended to go, only got me a few feet. I resolved myself to walk to Canterlot and personally deliver this letter to you, but I only made it a mile or two before it was daytime and I was exhausted. I had to turn around and head back, I was just too tired, so I tried to teleport. It worked fine but the moon was back in the sky when I appeared on the Library porch.

I don’t know what’s going on…

March 15th


Where are you? I’m really scared. You haven’t wrote back to me, and there’s no sign of any dragon migration anywhere. Please, things are wrong, everything is WRONG. I need you here now…


March 20th


Mayor Mare is dead… and I don’t know how long she has been. I went to her office today to discuss things with her and… and she was just slumped over on the desk. I just… it’s, I can’t. Her mane was nothing but a few wisps of stray hair, and her face was sunken. She looked all bones… and nothing else. The office smelled of…

The doctors say she’s been dead for weeks.

They say the cause was old age. That her life just ended! That’s not possible! How can you die of old age when you’re barely past middle age? She looked bad the last time I saw her… but not that bad! Princess… Celestia, just please, if you get this, please, please come to Ponyville right away. Something is very wrong. I sent Owlicious to deliver, but please, hurry!

March 21st

Everyone looks tired… exhausted.

March 24th

I tried using my horn to cast a protective bubble. My body feels strange. My muscles feel strained, and my horn aches, something uncharacteristic of a mare at my age. How old am I? Have I been affected by this as well?

My friends barely acknowledge me with nods. Their eyes are sunken. Pinkie is the only one worried. She came over to deliver cookies, and I told her what I thought. She stayed for the night, and I made my shield big enough for her to stay in.

March 30th

Every day passes in ten seconds. I don’t feel that bad, maybe this shield is helping. If I could find a way to extend it over Ponyville…

April 3rd


Where are you?

Extremely Worried and Deathly Scared Best Friend,
Twilight Sparkle

April 10th

I can’t do it anymore. My studies have yielded nothing on the rock. It has to be the cause. This blue glow, it’s unbreakable shell. It has to be the source, but if it is….

The last letter from the Princess told me she was sending the pieces to various labs across Equestria and having a joint team work on the information.

If that’s happened…

It seems like years ago that I last wrote to the Princess. The town is empty. The ponies I do see are so old… and so thin.

Pinkie cries herself to sleep each night, but she doesn’t look old. The shield is working.

April 20th

Don’t look, don’t look, I’m never going to look. Forget about them, Twilight. Forget what they are and remember what they were.

What they once were. Vibrant colors, personalities and dreams.

Remember their cutie marks.

Remember them as they once were.

June 2nd, ???


I really miss you.