• Published 19th Jan 2013
  • 2,781 Views, 5 Comments

My First New Year's Alone - fic Write Off

Belated upload of contest fics

  • ...

A Sister's Gift

The mid-winter night's cold bit at the white mare's nose as she slowly made her way down a dark alleyway. Her ears perked up at the sound of a door creaking open somewhere ahead of her and she saw the smallest shaft of warm candlelight shine out from within. The door was thrown open briefly as two guardsponies came trotting out. The mare quickly ducked down an alley to her immediate right and picked up her pace to get as far away from the guards as possible.

The wind blew down over the buildings towering above the mare and grabbed at her pink mane and tail. She decided to take a brief pause to adjust the scarf around her neck to a more comfortable position. The dark alley was briefly illuminated as a faint pink glow wrapped the scarf a little tighter. The mare shivered, and looked up at the clear night sky. Millions of stars were out in all their beauty. The night really is beautiful. she thought. I can see why my Sister likes it so. The mare wished she could simply stay there and enjoy the crisp clear night air. Alas, she had to put an end to this night, otherwise the Equestria she knew and loved would be no more. Celestia sighed and continued toward the center of Canterlot. Toward her home.

"Big Sister, can you tell me a story?"

"A story. Hm... Let's see-"

"Tell me one about a princess!"

"A princess? You always want stories about princesses. How about I tell you a story ab-"

"No Big Sister! I don't want to here about that. I want a story with a princess. Pleeeease?"

"Fine, fine. You win. I'll tell you a story about a princess... Once upon a time, there were two sisters, and both of them were princesses. Now the first princess-"

"What were the princesses's names, Sister?"

"Their names? Well, one was named-"

"And where did they live?"

"Little Sis; do you want to hear a story, or do you want me to answer your questions?"

"Do both!"

"I'll do that then. First, the two regal sister's names were Celestia and Luna, and they lived in the beautiful and bright land of Equestria..."

Celestia stopped and quickly ducked behind a rusty dumpster at the sound of shouting ahead. Peeking around the corner, she saw an elderly stallion glaring at two guardsponies dressed up in black armor. He was menacing the two of them with a long and heavy-looking cane. If the situation hadn't been so serious, she might have found it comical.

"I already told you yesterday! We didn't receive our shipment of ingredients, so we weren't able to make any desserts. Since we weren't able to make desserts, we weren't able to sell anything. And since we weren't able to sell anything, we didn't make any money. We have no money, so we can't pay your outrageous taxes. Now leave us alone, you hoodlums, until we get our supplies. Then your princess will have her money!" the elderly pony fumed. Then he flashed an over exaggerated smile toward the guards. "We may even have the ingredients to bake you a cake!"

The guard ignored or didn't hear the stallion's offer. "You have nothing to pay with in place of money?" he said in a bored tone.

The elderly pony raised his chin a bit higher and stuck out his jaw. "No, we have nothing."

"No food that could be taken for payment? No dishes, silverware, or scarves? Nothing?"

"Nothing." said the old pony gruffly.

The guard who spoke earlier took a step forward. "Then you won't mind us taking a look around? Good." He flared his wings out as he shoved past the stallion and into the bakery.

Even though she was supposed to be hiding from the guards, curiosity got the better of Celestia's conscious. She slowly crept forward until she was looking into one of the bakery's windows. The bakery appeared to be made up of a single room, which was empty except for a small oven, a dingy counter, a nicked and battered table with matching chairs, and an old worn-out cupboard. Celestia noticed that the cupboard, even in its poor condition, was one of the better kept items in the room. Then Celestia noticed a small, frail, and old mare standing behind the counter. Her head barely reached over it as she eyed the guard strutting into her home.

The guard looked around the room a few times before nodding his head toward the sagging cupboard on the far wall. "Let's take a quick peek in there, shall we?" He calmly walked over to cupboard and pulled open the top drawer. The stallion eagerly looked inside to see what plunders could be found, but was disappointed when he found nothing. He opened the drawer below it to the same result. He shuffled his wings uneasily as he glanced up at the old couple. "Well," he said slowly, "It appears you really do have nothing. Under the decree of Our Most Gracious Princess we will give you another week to get the money." The elder mare started to come out from behind the counter to thank the guard, but the guard silenced her with a stare. "But, you will have to pay double the usual."

'But! But-"

"Quit your yammering! The rates just went up. Double next week or else!" The guard walked out the door, but quickly popped his head back in and added, "Oh, and I'll be expecting that cake you promised, too."

With that, the guard left the house and nodded for his companion to follow. Celestia quickly glided up to the roof of the house across the street and hid behind a crumbling chimney. As she peeked around the corner of the chimney, she saw the second guard, a unicorn, cast an illumination spell before the two went on to the next house to continue their bullying of the citizens. After a minute the old couple peeked their head out of the door to make sure the guards really had left them for the night. Celestia let out a breath of pent-up air she didn't realize she had been holding and quickly backed away coughing as she inhaled the smoke billowing out from the chimney. Down below, the elderly stallion looked up at the sound of the unexpected noise. "Who's up there?" he said, eyeing the rooftop suspiciously. Celestia backed further away from the bakery toward the other side of the rooftop. She was considering jumping to the ground below when the stallion spoke up again.

"I don't know who's up there, but if you're looking for a warm place to stay for awhile you can come on in to our house. It isn't much, but it's better than a night out in this weather. Especially tonight of all nights." Celestia paused and considered the stallion's offer. A strong wind was blowing in from the north, and Celestia knew that a doozy of a winter storm would be upon her soon. She looked down at the couple, wondering why ponies who had so little would be so generous with what they had left. She would love to go inside for a bit to warm up. To nestle down in front of a warm stove.

To rest.

Celestia turned away from the welcoming light of the bakery and jumped down to the gloom-filled alley below.

"Little Sister, I think it's time."

"Do you mean it Tia? You really think I'm ready to raise the moon all by myself?!"

"No, no. You're not quite ready yet."

"Ah, but Sis..."

"But, you are ready to raise the moon with a little help from me."

"So... How do I do this."

"It's simple. Remember how I taught you all about levitation last year?"


"Well, it's just like that, but only on a much, much, much larger scale!"

"...I don't know if I can do this Tia, the moon's so huge! It's, like, like... ten times bigger than you!"

"Oh no, it's much bigger than that!"

"...And you're sure I'll be able to lift this all on my own one day?"

"With practice, yes, my Little Sister."

"...I think I'm ready."

"On the count of three then. One."




A light snow was starting to fall as Celestia made her way toward the center of Canterlot. After only a minute's time, a fine layer of the powdery stuff covered everything exposed to the elements, including Celestia. The windows of all the building were frosted over, and in almost all of these windows were candles. Celestia noticed that the frost diffused their glow until the whole window appeared to be made of some sort of golden material. Golden windows. Now that's an idea I've never thought of... Her attention shifted from the windows to a slow and haunting song echoing faintly down the streets. It sent a chill down the sun goddess's spine. Celestia headed toward the sound, needing to know who would be out singing in this cold weather.

O tell me a tale, a tale about winter.

Celestia rounded a corner and the singing increased slightly in volume. She was getting closer to the voice, which sounded like that of a young filly.

Sing me a song, when all the flowers fade.

A second voice joined in, this one a male's, older and weathered.

Here in the mid-winter we celebrate life.

The two voices blended together in a not unpleasant melody. The voices weaving in and out and around one another.

We celebrate life, here on Hearth's Warming Eve!

As Celestia drew near, the forms of two ponies could be made out through the snowy haze. A young filly dressed in an expensive red dress and hat was standing next to a lamppost. On the other side of the lamppost stood a gruff looking stallion wearing a worn out coat and a battered hat without a top. The final note hung in the air for a few seconds before it was swallowed up by the pitch black night. Then the two ponies headed their separate ways without even glancing at the other. The filly started to hum as she skipped towards a nearby house, and the hobo slumped down in one of the drier alleys with a wide grin plastered on his face.

"Those two were the ones singing that beautiful song? But they are so different from one another..." Celestia thought to herself, almost disbelieving her own ears. Another shiver ran down her spice, though this one was a from the cold. "I need to keep moving." The snow was starting to come down harder. It looked like there really was harsher weather incoming.

"Do you want help raising the moon again tonight, Little Sister?"

"No, Tia, not tonight. I think I'm gonna try doing this all by myself!"

"...Are you sure you're really ready?"

"Yes, I need to know that I can do this. I want to help out with the ruling, Big Sister!"

"Are you absolutely sure?"


"I can't just give a helpful little nudge?"

"Ye- I mean, no!"

"I'm only kidding with you, Little One, you know that. It's just... This..."

"I know, Tia. It's change, it's something different. It's something new to both of us."

"...Yes, it is."


"Well? What are you waiting on? Give it a go!"

"Well, this stinks."

What was once been a light snowfall quickly evolved into a small blizzard, and Celestia had to duck between two large dumpsters to try to escape from the biting cold and blinding snow. Now she was stuck sitting there between the two smelly metal boxes as she waited for the snowstorm to die down. She tried to find a comfortable position to lay in, but none could be found. Celestia tightened her scarf a little closer to her neck.

"I need to be patient."

The snow continued to fall.

"I just need to be patient..."

And fall.

"I just need to find someplace warm!" Celestia shouted as she got up from between the dumpsters. It didn't matter where she as going, she just need to get somewhere that wasn't here. That wasn't cold. She headed off in a random direction, hoping to find some source of warmth. Within minutes a dim light faded into being and quickly grew stronger as she approached. The light was coming from a homeless shelter, one of the many that resided within the poverty stricken sections of Lower Canterlot. Celestia headed toward the entrance but stopped outside the door. She didn't want to draw any attention to herself while she was in there, and having a horn as well as a set of wings could do that to a pony. I need a disguise... her eyes drifted toward a pile of torn up rags.

"...I think I can make this work."

While she didn't know a huge amount about sewing, she knew enough to cobble together a rough sort of tunic, which she quickly tied around her waist. She checked to make sure her wings weren't visible before heading inside.

The first thing that hit Celestia as she entered the shelter was the smell. It was a mix of dirty clothes, wet dog, and wet pony. Celestia had to hold back the urge to gag as she let her nose adjust to the smell. After about a minute she was able to breath easily enough, so she decided to try and find a place that wasn't too crowded to rest till the blizzard outside subsided. After searching up and down each isle, she found that this would be impossible. Ponies were everywhere. The healthier ones were leaning against walls or standing while the sick, the weak, and the old lay on dirty blankets. She was shocked at how many homeless ponies there were here.

This needs to be stopped.

She finally decided to take her chances with a small open spot next to the edge of an isle. To her right was a middle-aged mare with red hair and, Celestia believed, a once white coat. The mare was attempting to quiet her two fillies down so they wouldn't bother an older pony behind them who was attempting to sleep. The pegasus looked over at Celestia and gave her a tired but sincere smile. "A warm evening to you, Ms." she said. "I hope my children aren't being much of a bother."

"No, no," Celestia said with a quiet laugh as she watched their antics. "They're not bothering me at all." One of the fillies came tumbling over her mother onto Celestia, who jumped at the unexpected contact.

"Silver Bell! Watch yourself." her mother said sternly. The young filly, Silver Bell, looked up at Celestia with wide and scared eyes.

"It's all right Mrs...?," Celestia said. She started to wrap one of her wings around the young filly before remembering her clothing prevented her from doing so. She quickly stopped and reminded herself that she was supposed to be a unicorn. The filly got up laughing and raced off to go after her sister.

"The names Winterlight. What's your name?" she said quickly adding, "If you don't mind, that is."

"My name is-" Celestia paused for a second to think up a good cover name. "My name is Aurora."

"Well Ms. Aurora, I'd like to thank you for being more flexible with my children than the last pony we bed next to. He didn't seem to have an ounce of kindness in him." She humphed. "How dare he growl at my children like that!"

"Yes," Celestia agreed. "Some ponies can be like that."

Like my sister. Celestia thought. She looked around the room at the hundreds of ponies; all of them starving, weak, and in need of help. She isn't who she used to be. She really has changed to allow the world to fall apart so much. She must be stopped.

As she thought about Luna, Celestia's eyelids started to droop down, and she had to stop herself from falling asleep on numerous occasions. At one point she looked up and saw Winterlight staring at her. "It looks like you need some sleep." she said simply. Celestia started to protest, but Winterlight stopped her, "No, I insist. It looks like you've had a long and tiring day, and I would expect you have a long and tiring journey ahead of you. Sleep; I'll keep watch over both my fillies and you. You wont be a burden to me."

Celestia, after a moments hesitation, agreed. She would need to be fully rested for what lay ahead. The din echoing around the shelter was loud and distracting, but it didn't prevent her from drifting off into a restless sleep. The final thing she heard before she drifted off was a small filly's voice. She tried to concentrate on what the voice said, but she couldn't make out any of the words. She let out a slow breath as she let her pent up worry leave her.

"Soon, my dear. Soon."

"Big Sister, tell me a story, please?"

"...Many year ago, before both you and me, there was a princess who ruled in a very far away land."

"Sister, is this a happy story?"

"Yes, it is..."


"Why are you wondering? Is something on your mind?"


"Sister, you seem distant tonight. What is wrong?"

"Its nothing, sister, I'm all right. Please, continue your story."

"Ms. Aurora."

Celestia groaned as she rolled over to her side. She had slept on her back, and her wings were now sore from sleeping in such an uncomfortable position.

"Ms. Aurora. It's time for breakfast."

Celestia got to her feet slowly and stretched her back like a cat, wishing she could do the same for her wings. "Thanks for waking me, Winterlight, I'm starving."

Winterlight gave a sad laugh that barely reached Celestia's ears. "Aren't we all?" she whispered quietly.

Breakfast was made up of a meager portion of oatmeal and what appeared to be half a glass of cold, crisp, and wonderful milk. Winterlight's two fillies Silver Bell and Holly Green hurriedly devoured their oats and gulped down their milk within mere seconds of receiving their potions. They looked up from their meal, happy for the warm food yet far from full. Celestia felt sorry for them. This is not a breakfast for young foals. Going against her grumbling stomach, she levitated her oatmeal out of her bowl and gave half to Silver Bell and half to Green Holly. The two young fillies looked down in wonder at the porridge in their now full bowls and then back up at Celestia. "You can have mine. You'll need it more than me, anyways, since your growing foals." Growing, starving foals. she added to herself.

Winterlight looked at Celestia, dumbstruck, puzzled, and unable to say anything. "Y- You. I-" A single tear rolled down her eye as she tried to think of something heartfelt to say. She wiped the tears from her eyes. "Thank you." she finally said.

Celestia nodded and smiled as she got up from the table. "It's the least I can do." It was time for her to take her leave.

"Thank you!" Winterlight shouted after her. "You really are better than that last pony we stayed next to!"

"Sister, tell me a story tonight. A new one."

"I might run out of stories if you keep asking for new ones so often!"

"I don't think that could happen."

"No, I guess it wouldn't... Many years ago there was a princess-"

"No, I don't want a story about a princess tonight."

"A prince then?"

"No, I don't want a story about princes or princesses."

"Then what do you want?"

"I want a sad story."

"A... sad story?"




"Why Little Sister."

"...I- I don't know. I just want something different for a change."

"Something different... I'll try to dream up a sad story for you then if it will make you feel better."

"Please do."

"Once upon a time, there were three kingdoms. One was the kingdom of the pegasi. The second was the kingdom of the unicorns. The third was the kingdom of the earth ponies. They lived in peace for many years, each helping the other out in times of need. Eventually, though, their hearts turned bitter towards one another..."

Even though the blizzard had finally let up, the snow continued to be a bother. Celestia slowly battled her way over a steep and slippery snow drift. She was annoyed and worn out by the amount of effort it took to simply walk through all this deep snow. She looked up at the sky and and saw a large spire looming ahead of her silhouetted against the full moon. Almost there. she thought to herself. I will stop you, Nightmare Moon.

"So what happened to the ponies when the windigos came?"

"The land froze over. All of the crops that were growing died from the freeze. Whatever harvest remained was hidden away by the earth ponies in places the unicorns and the pegasi knew nothing about."

"So the earth ponies were being selfish?"

"All of the ponies were being selfish. The unicorns didn't want to raise and lower the sun on time, and the pegasi stopped all attempts to control the weather. The world was falling apart."

Celestia rounded a corner and saw a long line of ponies attempting to make their way into a homeless shelter that was offering a small amount of warm food to anypony who needed it. Celestia's stomach grumbled loudly, but she had no time for food or comfort. She had to continue on.

As she passed by the shelter, though, she saw an argument break out between the ponies waiting in line and the ponies serving the food.

"I'm sorry, but there is no more food. We're all out!"

"Yeah right!" yelled one pony. "You're just keeping it for yourselves!"

A low grumble of disagreement made its way toward the back of the line as, one by one, the ponies learned there wasn't any food left. The ponies quickly left the line to see if they could find food elsewhere.

The wind picked up, and it started to snow again.

"As the weather got worse, the ponies from all the nations decided something needed to be done. The leader of each kingdom attended a meeting to try and figure out how to solve the task at hoof."

"And did they solve anything? Did they find a way to work together?"

"No, sadly, they did not."

"So what happened to them?"

"With any chance of cooperation gone, the ponies decided to go their own ways. They decided they needed to find a new land to call home."

The snow continued to fall swiftly on the mostly quiet city of Canterlot. Across the street from Celestia was a two story house bustling with activity. A stallion and a mare were carrying out boxes, bags, and small pieces of furniture, which were then being loaded onto the back of a small wagon. Three foals, two colts and a filly, we're all sitting on the front seat of the wagon. The two colts were chatting away excitedly, but the young filly was quiet, as if in deep thought. She sniffed her nose, and Celestia guessed it wasn't from the cold. She headed over to see what was going on.

"Hello!" Celestia said as she approached the wagon. "Do you mind of I ask what you're doing?"

"We're moving away." said the stallion through a thick beard. He looked cautiously at Celestia. "What's it to you?"

"Oh, it's nothing." Celestia said. "I was just curious, that's all."

The mare came out carrying a young baby colt. "Curiosity can get you into trouble around these parts." she said as she approached.

"Yes," Celestia laughed, "I'm well aware of that fact. I've lived here my whole life."

"What's your name Ms.?"

"Call me Aurora."

The stallion took out a wooden pipe, which he fumbled with for a minute till he had it lit. "Well, it's been a pleasure meeting you Ms. Aurora, but we really need to finish packing. We've got a long tip ahead of us to Manehatten."

"I understand." Celestia said. "I wish you the best on your travels." Celestia turned to go, but then changed her mind and went up the the crying filly. "Don't you worry, little one. The sun will shine again soon." she whispered.

The filly's eyes went wide. "Really?"

"Yes, but only if you can show me a smile."

The little filly smiled and her tears stopped.

"Just like that." She said as she lightly poked the filly on her nose. "It'll be bright again before you know it!" The filly let out a shrill happy giggle as her smile widened.

Celestia let herself smile a bit, too. The she turned away from the cart and looked up to the moonlit spire above.

"Where did the pegasi go?"

"They searched far and wide, until the came to a land that was bright, warm, and green. They claimed the land for themselves."

"But what about the earth ponies and the unicorns? Did they find any new land to live on?"

"Yes, they did. In fact, it was the same land that the pegasi had found."

"B-but how come they all came to the same spot?"

"They all ended up in the same spot because that piece of land was all that was left. It was the only part of the world not smothered in ice and snow."

"So... what happened to them all?"

"They all claimed the land for themselves. They fought and argued over who had rights to the land until this land too started to become cold and uninhabitable."

"So the entire world froze over?!"

"...No, not quite."

Celestia crept up behind a snow-laden bush and crouched down. She counted only two guards posted outside the castle's front gates. She looked up at the ramparts towering above expecting to see more guards, but there were none. Celestia tensed her body. Now came the tricky part.

Ever since Nightmare Moon took power, Celestia had to keep her own power in check. She realized that when she limited the amount of magic emanating from herself, she was able to stay hidden from Nightmare Moon. If Nightmare Moon were to find where Celestia was, then Equestria would be doomed to an eternal night. If Celestia were to use any spells beyond the skill of a normal unicorn, Nightmare Moon would detect her magic, and then her plan would instantly fall apart.

re. Celestia took a deep breath and started to focus her magic on the two guards. Before they could shout out, she knocked their helmets together. A long and low dong issued forth from the collision. The two guards were knocked out.

Celestia quickly approached the gate and stashed the two senseless ponies behind some bushes. Then she focused her magic on the gates, and they swung open on silent hinges. Inside the gate Celestia saw a spacious yet empty courtyard devoid of life and guards. On the far side of the courtyard she saw a set of two tall doors made from some sort of black wood. She made her way to them and cautiously opened one.

Except for the occasional lone guard patrolling, the castle was empty. Celestia easily avoided or dispatched these guards as she made her up to the throne room.

This is too easy. she thought to herself. My sister was always the more cautious one...

But no, this wasn't her sister anymore. The sweet sister she knew and loved was gone, replaced by this hate-filled and selfish Nightmare Moon. She only wanted to hurt ponies.

She narrowed her eyes and frowned in anger. Ponies like Winterlight and her foals. They deserve a better life than the one they're living.

Celestia started to ascend a long and winding staircase toward one of the uppermost floors. It was a path she was familiar with having taken it to reach the throne room many times before.

Before Nightmare Moon.

Celestia reached the top floor and found the long hallway deserted. She frowned at the distasteful decorations that had been erected around the castle in her absence. Large statues roughly carved out of obsidian stood in each alcove; all of them depicting some sort of grotesque scene. Large purple and blue banners hung in front of all the stained-glass windows, hiding their lovingly hand-crafted beauty.

Celestia made her way to the end of the hall slowly; she didn't want to face Nightmare Moon.

Thoughts churned about in her mind. Turn back. Leave. You don't need to do this. Just leave Equestria. Find some other land to rule.

"No, I have to do this." she assured herself. Her thoughts flashed back to the little smiling filly on the wagon. "I made a promise, after all."

With a final sigh, she straightened up to her full height and threw open the doors to the throne room. A large metallic throne decorated with stars stood at the end of the room, and on it lay Nightmare Moon.

"Welcome, Sister," Nightmare Moon said in cold voice, the last word dropping with sarcasm. "Welcome home."

"What do you mean, 'Not quite!?' You said that the cold was moving in on them!"

"It was."

"So then they all shouldn't have lived! They should've been sad and suffering!"

"Most of them were, but there were three ponies -one a pegasus, one a unicorn, and one an earth pony- who decided that fighting and arguing wouldn't solve anything. They decided that, together, they could change the land back to its beautiful green beginnings."

"Those ponies weren't very smart. Three ponies wouldn't be able to change anything by themselves! I've seen it for myself!"

"...What do you mean, Little Sister?"

"I...I-it was nothing."

"It sounded like something."

"It wasn't. Please, finish your story."

"...It took many years, and the progress was slow, but the friendship that they had grew and grew, and with it so did their efforts. The fighting stopped first, and then the arguing. The land became warmer, and plants started to grow again. The land was coming back to life. Eventually, all the snow and ice melted and the ponies built a town on the edge of a mountainside. There was no more fighting. No more wars. Everypony was at piece with their neighbor. And they lived happily ever after."

"...I thought you said that this would be a sad story."

"Did you not find it sad?"

"Well, I don't understand..."

"Nightmare Moon." Celestia said with a snarl.

"Oh please, what's with all this anger?" Nightmare Moon smiled and got up off the throne. She slowly made her way toward Celestia. "Wasn't you who told me that anger is the cause of all violence? Calm down, you look silly!"

Celestia crouch low, ready to counter any attack, whether magical or physical. "No! I won't let you harm this land anymore than you already have!"

"What do you mean, my dear sister?"

"There are ponies freezing without my sun in the sky. There are ponies and young foals starving with no food to eat. There are-"

"Are you saying I am the cause for this?" Nightmare Moon raised an eyebrow incredulously.

Celestia started to respond, but Nightmare Moon continued. "Ues, you will say yes, I know."

Nightmare Moon paused mid-step and raised her head to look at the vaulted ceiling high above. Celestia warily did the same and was surprised to see thousands upon thousands of stars glowing up there.

"You always used to tell me stories, didn't you sister? I believe that it is time for me to tell you one for a change."

"Many years ago, when I was just starting to grasp my role as the goddess of the night, a large famine hit Equestria, brought upon us by a swarm of locusts. I remember that, together, we stopped the disgusting bugs before they did too much damage. A week passed by, and the days came and went. All seemed well during the day, but the nights were another story."

The throne room was immediately filled with a blinding white light issuing from the scene above. Celestia had to squint so that she wouldn't be blinded by the light.

"The sun here represents all the ponies out and about during the day. They are so full of life, so happy."

"And you wanted to take away their happiness." Celestia countered.

"You are quite right." Nightmare Moon smiled.

"Why?" Celestia asked after a pause. "Why make everypony miserable?l

"Ah, my little sister, it's a simple answer, and one I would get to if you would stop interrupting."

"You see, the sun here represents those ponies who are happy. Those who are rich."

The artificial sun's light winked out of existence and was replaced by the scene of the stars again.

"After the famine hit, the nights became much more visible. The sun of civilization set, and the thousands of stars of agony, pain, and sickness took their place." A hint of anger crept into Nightmare Moon's voice as she continued. "I saw ponies, homeless, starving, and weak. I saw sickness and despair in every alley way. I did not have the power to help everypony."

The stars above faded and were replaced with the shadows of night.

"I needed more."

"I was... given a way to increase my power. I jumped accepted the offer, eager to put my new found power to good use. I fed the hungry, cared for the weary, and healed the sick."

Nightmare Moon paused and turned her face away from Celestia; a single tear sliding down her face.

"But for each pony fed, each pony healed, each pony helped, another five took their place. There was no end to the injured, beaten, and hopeless ponies of the world. There had to be another solution."

Nightmare Moon turned back to Celestia with fire in her eyes.

"I decided that if I can't heal the wound, I must at least put an end to the suffering. I took my power and made the night eternal, thus putting all ponies on equal ground. All ponies would be like the stars in the night sky. Weak, numerous, and alone. There would be no more sun in the sky. No one would shine brighter than anypony else."

"You believe that by making everypony suffer, everypony would be on equal ground?" Celestia said shakily. "You believe that your helping everypony? You believe that ponies will be happy?!"

Her last word echoed around the chamber as a slow chuckle escaped Nightmare Moon. "Happy? Oh no, nopony is happy. You see, that is the reason this kingdom, my kingdom, is so perfect. You once told me a sad story; I believe it in involved windigos or something of that nature? And it had a such a predictable happy ending where everyone made up? I am sorry my sister, but that is not how this world we live in works. There are no happy endings; I know this as a fact. There is only suffering and hardship. That is real life."

"No." Celestia said firmly. "There can be happy endings."

"Oh?" Nightmare Moon asked in mock wonder. "How is this possible?"

"I can put an end to you." Celestia replied with a snarl as she ripped off her scarf. Underneath the scarf was a golden necklace studded with six jewels of varying hues.

"Are those... the Elements of Harmony?!" Nightmare Moon asked in disbelief. "I thought those were lost decades ago!"

"They were," Celestia replied, "but I found them. It took many years, and many hardships, but I found them. Your reign ends his Nightmare Moon."

Celestia focuses her whole being on the six stones as she felt an unfamiliar weightlessness engulf her. She looked up into the wide eyes of her foe, of her sister, and felt a wave of sorrow rush ov