• Published 27th Dec 2012
  • 1,669 Views, 25 Comments

Fallout: Equestria - Deadlands - Lycan_01

A scavenger named Coyote just wants to earn a living, but to do so he must deal with raiders, monsters, robots, traps, and other Wasteland threats with the help of his friends. If you can call thieves and monsters "friends."

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War. War Never Changes.



War never changes.

Long ago in the magical land of Equestria, before the dark shadows of War came, ponies lived in peace and prosperity. Wildlife and nature flourished from coast to coast, with all manner of flora and fauna thriving in perfect cohesion with the ponies that lived near them, and in many cases, tended them. From the sprawling apple orchards of Appleloosa, to the stunning royal gardens in Canterlot, there was beauty and life.

Except in one place.

The aptly named Badlands, which made up the central Southern border of Equestria, were a far cry from the vibrant forests and farms found in the rest of the kingdom. The arid wastelands were relatively inhospitable, playing host to scorching deserts, treacherous canyons, and arid plains. Where most of Equestria's wildlife was docile, the Badlands boasted a variety of significantly more dangerous and deadly creatures. There were also hushed whispers and rumors of the banished Changeling Queen, and her brood of shapeshifting parasites.

No, aside from a few small towns and the party city of Las Neigas, the Badlands were a harsh, unforgiving environment that stood in sharp contrast to the rest of Equestria. So when the War came to its final day, and the world ended in a holocaust of magical hellfire, the Badlands were left little worse for wear, relatively speaking. Though the city of Las Neigas was supposedly targeted, it managed to avoid a direct hit from Zebra megaspells. However, several near-misses still caused devastating collateral damage to the city and surrounding settlements. Thousands died, and whatever peace and harmony had existed in the Badlands disappeared in a maelstrom of arcane destruction and suffering.

Over two hundred years have passed since the day the world ended…

The Badlands have changed, though not quite in the ways many would have expected. When the ponies who survived the War emerged from the protection of the Stables, they found things to be surprisingly the same. Arid and rocky wastelands free of vegetation still make up most of the environment, though it is unclear whether this is due to magical devastation, or the perpetually overcast skies, courtesy the Grand Pegasus Enclave. If anything, what was already an inhospitable environment was now simply just more-so.

Aside from dehydration and starvation in an unforgiving environment, the survivors were now forced to face the threats of magical radiation and its butterfly effects. One noticeable change they soon discovered was that the wildlife of the Badlands had been corrupted or mutated, or simply just evolved into more capable killing machines. Giant scorpions, massive wasps, hybridized creatures, and other abominations thrived where ponies simply could not. And where the whispers of fear around the campfire were once of Changelings, it was soon discovered that there were now worse monsters now lurking in the shadows.

It didn't take long for the Badlands to earn a new, more apt moniker – the Deadlands.

Against all odds, though, survivors of the War and settlers from the Stables managed to establish a few small bastions of civilization amongst the Deadlands. Small towns and ancient tourist traps have been reclaimed and revitalized by new generations of ponies trying to eke out a living. Scattered villages of Tribals, descendants of the original survivors of the War, have in some places thrived. Ancient military and research stations now play host to the Steel Rangers, the fractured remnants of Equestria’s once-proud military. In the far South, various Tribes have united under the banner of Celestia’s Legion, a society of warriors and slavers idolizing the Warrior Goddess of the Sun. And in the very center of the blighted land, the once-dark lights of New Neigas have begun to shine once more, drawing ponies from regions even beyond the Deadlands to its siren’s song of safety and supposed salvation.

But War. War never changes.

Across the Deadlands, blood is being spilled for the sake power, resources, survival, and even simple fun. The various factions, tribes, and bands of psychopaths struggle against one another throughout the shattered wasteland. But in the humble town of Wellspring, nestled away in the Deadlands' western plains, a lowly scavenger by the name of Coyote has no desire to be involved in any of that. His one want is to enjoy a quiet, honest life of trading salvage for caps. A life spent minding his own business in hopes of avoiding the conflict, bloodshed, and death that darkens the lives of so many other ponies. So far, he has succeeded in this goal.

But life rarely works out as we want it to, does it?

Author's Note:

Welcome to the Deadlands!